Sweden takes the reins of the European Union

by time news
Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson launched his country’s presidency of the European Union on Friday in Kurina. TT NEWS AGENCY/via REUTERS

Some are worried about the weight of the far right, a member of the ruling coalition in Stockholm, on immigration issues.

Special Envoy to Kurina

The Swedish Presidency of the European Union is launched. The kick-off took place over the past two days in Kiruna, in the north of the country, with the traditional visit of the Commission.

Stockholm’s priorities are four in number: security, competitiveness, ecological and energy transition as well as the defense of democratic values ​​and the rule of law. Conservative Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson summarizes them as follows: “A greener, safer and freer Europe.” Of course, Ukraine is by far the most important topic. Stockholm intends to continue and increase military, economic and humanitarian support. kyiv is sure to find there a partner attentive to its demands. In Brussels, Swedish diplomats believe that, even if Ukraine is not ready, it is very important to send a strong political signal over the next six months on the accession of this country to the EU.

The challenge for the presidency, however, will be to…

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