Swedish Weather Update: Heatwave this Weekend, But Rain and Cold to Follow Next Week

by time news

Hot Weekend Ahead for Sweden, But Rain Returns Next Week

RIGHT NOW: The weather is changing – so will the holiday weather

This weekend, the heat will come to Sweden.

– On the night of Saturday, the low pressure moves away to the east over Finland and is replaced by a high-pressure ridge. With the high pressure, warmer air is also brought in over the country, and in connection with sunny weather, the temperature ends up close to 25 degrees in the south, and around or just over 20 degrees in the north, says SMHI’s meteorologist Moa Hallberg in a statement.

The heat lasts through Sunday.

But then it turns around.

Next week, the cold and rain return to Sweden.

Basically, the whole country will get wet and rainy.

– Monday-Tuesday, the high-pressure ridge weakens as new low pressure pushes in from the west. Most things indicate that a new area of ​​rain is moving in over southern Sweden and in any case touches Götaland and western Svealand, possibly even further north over southern Norrland, says Moa Hallberg.

Below the 20 mark

In the middle of next week, the temperature is expected to drop considerably in large parts of Sweden.

– On Wednesday-Thursday, the next low pressure will come in and first touch Götaland and Svealand with rain, gradually also Norrland. After that, the weather looks set to continue unsettled with temperatures mostly around 15-20 degrees, says Moa Hallberg.

So will the holiday weather

Those waiting for the summer heat to return may have a long wait.

The low pressure is expected to last for most of July – the most popular holiday month for many Swedes.

Around the turn of the month, in about three weeks, the heat may return.

This is stated by Josefine Qvarnesjö-Bergstedt, a meteorologist at the weather institute Storm, in an interview with Expressen.

– A small happy hope is that we see a trend that at the end of July, the beginning of August, there will probably be a change in the weather towards warm and dry weather. Then we can’t say exactly when, but somewhere around the turn of the month we see tendencies, she tells the newspaper.

Photo: Y. Bogdanov
Text: The editors

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