Sweet Mozart, what a sweet school. Music since childhood

by time news

Sweet Mozart, what a sweet school. Music since childhood

The School of Music Dolce Mozart it’s in Pescia and it’s a…very sweet school.

In via del Giocatoio, in an environment full of charm, at the foot of the ancient medieval walls of Pescia, a fairy-tale place opens up. Welcoming us is Margherita Scarliniteacher and director of the School, specializing in providing musical education to children from 0 to 14 years old.

Born in Verona, Mrs. Margherita attended courses in musical pedagogy at the Italian Society of Elementary Music Orff-Schulwerk.

“I have been teaching music to children since 1984,” said Margherita, who in the spring of 2005 also conceived and conducted on Vatican Radio a radio broadcast Animals of music-. After many years in Rome, in 2013 I moved to Berlin where I continued my activity of teaching music to young children”. Since 2019 she has been in Pescia.

“Music is for everyone, it’s never music alone but a combination of voice, instruments and movement, it is creativity and improvisation, and at the same time exploration of its characteristic elements, rhythm, melody”.

In Margherita’s school, music is approached through play. “The lessons for the younger children are all collective, with at least one parent present, who can then repeat at home what we do at school. What we propose has a lot to do with everyday life, like traditional children’s songs accompanied by gestures and instruments.”

For more information visit www.dolcemozart.it or call 370 3734295. Email [email protected].

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