Sweet nature – healthful air

by time news

Air is a boon that keeps us alive which cannot be seen by the eyes but can only be felt. It is our duty to admire the majesty of such wind.

Marina Raj – Vatican

The atmosphere, which sustains life, also acts as a shield to protect the earth from radiation damage. Plants take in carbon dioxide from the air and release oxygen for photosynthesis. As humans, we take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide, a carbon dioxide gas. If there is no air there is no life. Air is so connected to our life that we say that there is no life, why this world does not exist. Wind is a blessing that keeps us alive, which cannot be seen by the eyes and can only be felt. It is the duty of each one of us to appreciate the majesty of such wind.

The effects of wind on our body are many such as flatulence, flatulence, breathing problems and respiratory disorders. Getting used to expelling unwanted air from the body is considered essential for health. When we breathe pure air, the air fills the lungs, purifies the blood and keeps the body functioning healthily. Running, walking, sports, exercise, dancing, work that upsets the body through sweat, all the activities we do, more air goes to the lungs and makes the body work smoothly.

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