Sweet Youth Drama: The New Season of “Truth or Dare” Surpasses Expectations and Delivers Emotional Depth

by time news

2023-06-22 03:00:58

Sweet youth drama: the new season of “Truth or Dare” surpasses its predecessors

After four entertaining and touching seasons, the successful Netflix series comes in a new and final season. But this time she managed to introduce added value and emotional depth, and thus she becomes not only worth watching, but a real must watch

Also in the new season of “Truth or Dare” we meet Davy and the gang around her who face the challenges of life in high school, along with student ambitions and many romantic entanglements, but everything is influenced by the defining event in Davy’s life that happened right before the start of the series, when her beloved father died of a sudden heart attack against her eyes

In this season Davy is deeply immersed in her grief. Her relationship with her mother is murky, and she walks around the world with some inner rage constantly bubbling under the innocent childish facade. She has so much rage over her father’s death that the one chosen to accompany her story with the obligatory narration is John McEnroe, the legendary tennis player who is known for his outbursts of rage. Over the course of four seasons, we see this girl grow up and learn about life, make mistakes (lots and lots of mistakes, many of them cringeworthy and annoying – as is customary in comedies centered on girls or women, and really, when will we stop with that?) and deal with them.

As mentioned, the good news is that this season it is at least clear in advance that there is one romantic interest that is the one they are aiming for, and that is Ben. All the boys on the way are distractions and used as plot devices. One of them is Ethan, who exists so that Davey will have a good sexual experience, so that the next time she and Ben have sex it won’t be as bad as the first time. With him she also learns that there are “bad boys” who are really just normal people, and the bottom line, it’s not sexy. She also shares another moment with her old crush, Paxton Hall-Yoshida (Darren Barnett), which is meant to close this story once and for all and move him from crush to friend for good.

The processes that the characters go through in the last season, on the way to closing the open ends and opening new paths with the transition of the characters to the college years, are reasoned and logical, and there is less bragging and more striving for the goal. As the plot progresses towards its conclusion, it becomes more and more apparent that Davey has really matured during the years of our acquaintance. If at the beginning of the series her mother seemed to her like the enemy, now they are one loving unit, and Davi knows that her mother (the stunning Poorna Jaganathan), as well as the other women of the Vishkumar family, are a source of support and inclusion. The relationship between them became a foundation on which the series rests – not least thanks to the gracefulness of these two actresses.

The lost girl, who didn’t know what to do with the hole her father left in her life, who acted out of instincts and didn’t fully think about her actions, succeeds in this season in showing maturity (as in facing the possibility of her mother going out with a man who is not her father), correcting big mistakes she made (for example completing with Ben’s girlfriend), and even show restraint here and there. When the psychologist who accompanied her throughout the series (Nessie Nash, who urgently needs more roles) shows Davey how much she has changed, we viewers know that it is really true, because we witnessed this process. All that remains is to agree with Dr. Ryan when she says how proud she is of this girl.

So it’s true that she wasn’t always perfect, but the fourth season “Truth or Dare” gathered itself and returned to focus on its big message. Her vibe was and remains an entertaining and touching youth comedy, with one heroine who repeatedly puts herself in stupid situations, but manages to move almost to tears.

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