Swine flu, what are the symptoms and how to take it- time.news

by time news
Of Health editorial staff

Swine flu viruses do not normally infect humans. Symptoms are similar to classic seasonal illness. Rare cases of serious complications, pneumonia and deaths have been reported in the past

What is the swine flu?

Swine flu one acute respiratory disease of pigs caused influenza viruses type A, which routinely cause outbreaks of influenza in pigs. Swine flu viruses cause high levels of disease and low mortality in pigs.

Can swine flu infect humans?

Swine flu viruses they do not normally infect humans. Sporadic human infections with swine influenza viruses can occur. Commonly these cases of human swine influenza virus infection occur in people with direct exposure to pigs (for example workers employed in pig farms and industries, visitors to livestock fairs).

What are the symptoms of swine flu in humans?

The symptoms of swine flu are similar to those of “classic” seasonal flu and include: fever, drowsiness, loss of appetite, cough. Some people with swine flu have also experienced colds, sore throats, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Like seasonal flu, swine flu can cause worsening of pre-existing chronic diseases and have been reported in the past cases of severe complications (pneumonia and respiratory failure) and deaths associated with swine flu virus infection.

How serious is swine flu in humans?

Like seasonal flu, swine flu virus infection in humans can be mild or severe. The pig-to-human passage and inter-human contagion seem to have “weakened” the virus and the resulting disease responds well to antiviral drugs.

Can people get swine flu from eating pork?

No, swine flu viruses are not transmitted by food; You cannot get swine flu from eating pigs or pork products. Cooking meat at a core temperature of 70-80 degrees kills the swine flu virus, as well as other bacteria and viruses.

How is swine flu spread?

Influenza viruses can be transmitted directly from pigs to humans and from humans to pigs. Person-to-person transmission is also possible, but rare. It is believed that this happens in the same way as seasonal flu is transmitted, that is, through the spread of droplets of nasopharyngeal secretions with coughing and sneezing.

How can swine influenza virus infection in humans be diagnosed?

To diagnose swine flu A, a sample of respiratory secretions (nasal or throat swab) should be collected within the first 4 to 5 days of onset of symptoms (when the person is most likely to clear the viruses). The identification of the swine flu virus requires sending the sample to a reference laboratory of the Influnet network, with the coordination of the Istituto Superiore di Sanit.

April 2, 2022 (change April 2, 2022 | 18:45)

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