Swiss Researchers Develop Improved Screening Method for Early Detection of Breast Cancer

by time news

2023-07-19 15:02:44
Improved Screening Method for Early Detection of Breast Cancer Developed by Swiss Researchers

July 19, 2023 1:56 p.m

Researchers from the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH), in collaboration with the Baden Cantonal Hospital and the Zurich University Hospital, have made significant advancements in the screening method for the early detection of breast cancer. The PSI has reported that they have successfully combined conventional computed tomography with grid interferometry to improve the effectiveness of the screening process.

The improved method involves the use of three grids placed next to the object being examined, allowing for additional information to become visible when X-ray light passes through them. This innovative approach has shown promising results in the early detection of breast cancer.

One of the key advantages of this new method is that it requires approximately the same radiation dose as conventional computer tomography. The researchers aim to reduce the radiation dose by a factor of two to three while maintaining the same resolution or potentially increasing the resolution by 18 to 45 percent compared to conventional X-rays. This reduction in radiation dose is an important consideration for patient safety during screening procedures.

Michał Rawlik, a physicist and the first author of the study, expressed the team’s goals in a statement. “Our goal is to reduce the dose by a factor of two to three while maintaining the same resolution or to increase the resolution by 18 to 45 percent – in each case compared to conventional X-rays,” Rawlik said.

The next step for the researchers is to develop a prototype and other necessary devices for conducting actual examinations on patients. They plan to commence the first clinical trials by the end of next year. If successful, this could pave the way for the development of a commercial device and further studies in selected clinics.

Marco Stampanoni, the research group leader at PSI and a professor of X-ray imaging at ETH, expressed his optimism about the potential impact of this research. “If everything goes as planned, the development of the commercial device and studies in selected clinics can then begin,” Stampanoni stated.

Breast cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer among women worldwide. Early detection plays a crucial role in improving survival rates and treatment outcomes. The development of this improved screening method by Swiss researchers represents a significant advancement in the fight against breast cancer.]
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