SY police officers tried to read to Neria Zarog an administrative order • The Jewish Voice

by time news

Last night (Tuesday), SY police officers handed Neria Zarog an order from the teachers to remove him from Judea and Samaria. Zarog, who lives with his family in the Geulat Zion outpost in Binyamin, intends to fight against the order. Adv. Adi Keidar is gifted with a “draconian and abusive order. Accessible appeal “

  • PR
  • D. Tevet 5722 – 12:06 08/12/2021

An administrative restraining order was submitted yesterday (Tuesday) to Neria Zarog, married and a father of three, by SY police officers. Documents in the filing of the order show three policemen in civilian clothes near the Zarog family home in the Geulat Zion outpost in Binyamin, with one of them reading the order in question to those present inside the house, while playing songs.

Later, one of the policemen tried to hide the order from the camera, and after the policeman who read the order through the wooden wall of the house finished, the three left the hill.

But about a month ago, Neria Zarog’s house was destroyed twice, a week apart, as part of the destruction campaign that took place in the hills of Geulat Zion and Ramat Migron in Binyamin. While the family was trying to recover from the double evacuation and destruction, the father of the family was given a hearing prior to the filing of an administrative order prohibiting him from being in the territories of Judea and Samaria as well as contacting dozens of his friends.

As stated yesterday afternoon, about a week after the hearing in question, the administrative order was submitted to Zarug. Zarog has announced that he intends to launch a fight against the order and the general persecution of the hill youth.

Advocate Adi Keidar of the Honno organization representing Zarog said, “This is a draconian order that severely violates basic human rights. Either the father of the family will be forced to leave his home, or the whole family will be forced to leave their home. This is an anti-democratic order because the victim cannot prove his innocence or flatten his position before a judge. We will file an appeal against the order, and I sincerely hope that the justice system will listen to the voice of reason and revoke the order. “

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