symptoms, foods and benefits of the FODMAP diet –

by time news

2023-06-16 09:21:06

A disorder that affects one in ten Italians and is often linked to states of anxiety. The right diet can help, especially the so-called Fodmap: here’s how it works and how to do it

The syndrome of irritable colon (intestine). a functional pathology quite widespread in the world population. In Italy it affects about one in ten people.


Typical symptoms are

: abdominal pain and alterations of intestinal regularity (with phases of constipation or, conversely, diarrhea), abdominal swelling. Generally these disturbances are relieved by evacuation and worsen after meals.

The causes (also psychological)

Possible causes

of an irritable bowel are many: genetic factors, acquired, errors or food intolerances, abuse of laxatives, sedentary lifestyle. Also a fort stress and mood disorders (anxiety and depression) can cause alterations in the sensitivity of the viscera, acting directly on the central nervous system. Intestinal irritation in these cases caused (or aggravated) by emotional factors. There is also a genesis due to intestinal dysmicrobism, in which the correct balance between “good” and “bad” intestinal bacteria is lost – he adds Leda Roncoroninutritionist biologist, researcher at the University of Milan and head of the nutrition clinic at the Center for the Prevention and Diagnosis of Celiac Disease at the Milan Polyclinic —: even the altered microbiota can be one of the causes of irritable bowel syndrome.

Which diet to choose

Follow one diet to this helps prevent symptomseven if it doesn’t heal completely: Definitely a support to keep the symptoms at bay (which can have fluctuating severity) and must become a lifestyle in general (especially at times when the disorder makes itself felt with force majeure), he specifies the expert.
Another obligatory clarification, before advice, that the diet should be suggested by an expert on the basis of patient historyespecially in the case of irritable bowel, given that there is a great variety of symptoms (such as that between constipation and diarrhea) that must be addressed with completely different approaches.

Foods to avoid or limit

That said, we can suggest a diet that excludes (especially in acute periods) or favors certain foods: avoid all those foods that can trigger abdominal pain: fatty foods, carbonated or caffeinated drinks (t, chocolate, drinks with cola) that swell – says Roncoroni -. It is also advisable to limit the vegetables that fermentano (pears, plums, peaches, apricots, or in vegetables cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, onions) its legumes. In critical periods they should also be removed
milk and derivatives
because the lactose contained in them more difficult digestion. The fiber generally it must be taken in moderation, or limited and then reintroduced gradually.

Foods that help

There are also gut-friendly foods and practical meal recommendations. Among the foods we find apples, bananas, oranges, tangerines, kiwis. Among the vegetables courgettes, tomatoes, cucumbers, fennel, carrots, green beans and potatoes. the regular distribution of meals without neglecting breakfast is important – specifies the doctor -. Always prefer steaming, baking, boiling and avoid fried foods. As a condiment we use extra virgin olive oil and drink at least two liters of water a day. Let’s not forget that also what to move, to do physical activity helps intestinal motility.

How does the fodmap diet work?

If these are the general suggestions that can be given to people who have never done a diet against irritable bowel, there is a second phase with a more specific diet to be followed carefully if the desired results have not been obtained: it is the the FODMAP diet. a diet with very solid scientific foundations of Australian origin – explains Roncoroni -. If a person has already tried other systems or diets and his symptoms have not improved, I prescribe the fodmap.
It’s about giving up altogether for 4-6 weeks in 5 food groupswhich will later be reintroduced gradually: It serves to understand which group of foods is good or bad and in what quantity – explains the specialist -, all to get to as few limitations as possible, but calibrated on the individual patient. more difficult and longer to carry out, but the results more personalized. There are people who go back to normal – adds the doctor -: they have removed all the FODmaps, detoxified a little, then reintroduced food and have focused which groups to avoidthus leading to a readjusted fodmap.

How does it work

The food groups to be removed for the first 4-5 weeks are: Fructans (pasta, artichokes, sauerkraut, cabbage, garlic, onion), fructose (asparagus, broad beans, mango), galactans (chickpeas and peas), lactose and polyols (blackberry, peach, cauliflower). The phase of reintroductionthe so-called “challenge”, the most important moment and lasts for 5 weeks. It goes like this: for example, when I reintroduce polyols, I start Monday with 1/3 of a portion of a peach, Wednesday a half peach and Friday a whole peach. On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays I’m going to find out if the symptoms are found and, if so, at what quantity they appeared. It serves to fix a threshold dose, because of some foods the excess and not the limited intake can disturb. If “it went well” you move on to the second group, if “it went badly” you stop for two weeks, after which you will start again with another group.

Third way the probiotics

Third and final option to help those suffering from irritable bowel movement rebalancing of the intestinal florawhen specific tests have been carried out that demonstrate an alteration: In this case we can integrate the diet with greater attention to foods that favor the restoration of
probiotics such as feta cheese, mozzarella, cabbage
or give probiotics by mouth as supplements, concludes Roncoroni.

June 16, 2023 (change June 16, 2023 | 09:13)

#symptoms #foods #benefits #FODMAP #diet

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