Symptoms of the new childhood pneumonia that emerged in China

by time news

2023-11-25 01:00:13

A new childhood pneumonia that emerged in China It has gone around the world. The reason is because the information on whether it is really an unprecedented disease is still unclear. Although much of the concern is generated by the recent health emergency that hit the world.

The ghost of Covid-19 is still active in a large part of the world’s population. Especially because the appearance of new pathogens is real and situations of equal or greater magnitude can arise at any time.

List with the symptoms of the new childhood pneumonia that emerged in China

Now is the time to talk about the present and a problem that has not yet been explained in depth. Everything was generated from the recent outbreak of a acute respiratory illness that has been reported in the city of Beijing.

So far the only people affected have been children, although no fatal cases have yet been reported. While an important point is that the symptoms of this disease have been made known new childhood pneumonia that emerged in China.

High fever. Lung inflammation. Appearance of lung nodules.

For its part, the most attractive part is not the discomfort part but because there are symptoms that are always associated with all types of pneumonia and have not been reported here. The common point that all patients have is the absence of cough.

Normal situation or is everything an exaggeration?

In this regard, the National Health Commission of China maintains its version that it is an outbreak of childhood pneumonia that should not cause alarm. He also mentions that this increase is foreseeable because the Asian nation barely eliminated the mobility restrictions that were active since the beginning of 2020.

One consequence of resuming daily activities is an increase in respiratory diseases. Therefore, it is insisted that there is no reason to fall into false alarms or create panic scenarios.

On the other hand, the World Health Organization (WHO) published a new statement regarding its position. What it asks of the Chinese government is to provide real and reliable information to determine whether the danger is real or exaggerated.

Now, to the list of symptoms of the new childhood pneumonia that emerged in China There is also another aspect to consider. Patients typically present with radiologic abnormalities described as pulmonary nodules, rather than the patchy infiltrates more commonly seen in Mycoplasma pneumonia.

The truth is that there are many people who agree on the similarities between the current situation and what happened at the end of 2019. At that time, the city of Wuhan reported the first cases of a respiratory disease which was soon described as a atypical pneumonia.

It was not until several months later that it was recognized that everything was caused by the new virus SARS-CoV 2which gave rise to the Covid-19 and the declaration of a global health emergency. The rest of the story is known because its ravages continue to this day.

For now, despite the common points, it is not the time to fall into panic situations because it can be counterproductive. Subject to waiting for the official position of the Chinese government, it is prudent to maintain prevention measures to reduce the probability of contagion of respiratory diseases.

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