symptoms, remedies and how to recognize them –

by time news

In allergies, sneezes are usually “bursts”, the nose runs a lot and the eyes are more irritated and itchy

This year, with the early start of spring, many have started sneezing earlier due to seasonal allergies.

But sometimes allergy sneezes can be confused with those of a viral cold, which is still circulating.

How then to distinguish the symptoms of an allergic “cold” (allergic rhinitis) from a “common” one (viral rhinitis)?

In allergies: sneezing in bursts, itchy nose, eyes and throat

In allergies, sneezing is usually “burst” and the nose runs a lot. In addition, itching is often present in allergies, especially in the eyes and sometimes also in the palate and throat. The eyes are much more involved in the allergic version so much so that we talk about allergic rhinoconjunctivitis, with symptoms such as tearing, redness, swelling and discomfort in the light. If then the person is asthmatic, exacerbations can occur with difficulty breathing and dry cough both in case of allergy, less frequently, in the common cold. In the case of the viral cold, the symptoms appear after an incubation period which usually lasts a couple of days. It begins with a slight burning sensation, often on one side of the nose or throat, and progresses to sneezing and a runny nose. It is precisely in this phase, which generally lasts two or three days, that the chances of infecting other people are greatest. Then begins the secretory phase in which the mucus becomes thicker and yellowish. If there are no complications, the cold ends within a week at the latest

Tests to see if it’s allergies

While diagnosing a cold is based on symptoms, some testing is needed if a respiratory allergy is suspected. More episodes of cold that occur in conjunction with the flowering of the various plants suggest an allergy, which can be confirmed with skin prick tests, which are performed by inoculating small quantities of allergens into the skin of the forearm with a lancet. After about a quarter of an hour, the presence of a wheal indicates sensitization towards the allergen. To complete the diagnosis, a blood test can also usually be done to search for specific IgE antibodies implicated in this type of allergy. In selected cases, when the person is sensitive to multiple pollens, second-level molecular testing may be helpful.

The cure

Treatments for the common cold consist, to alleviate the symptoms, in washing the nose with saline solutions, which help remove the mucus and clean the nasal passages. Eventually you can use anti-inflammatories and decongestants, but to be used with caution because if you use them several times a day you risk even worsening. For allergic rhinoconjunctivitis, depending on the severity, you can count on antihistamines or cortisone-based nasal sprays or with antihistamines associated with cortisone to be used for the necessary time, always following the doctor’s instructions. Then there is specific immunotherapy to try to induce a remission of the allergy.

April 12, 2023 (change April 12, 2023 | 09:06)

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