Syria, alarm over attempted kidnapping of little Aya, the baby born under the rubble –

by time news

The hospital director suspected a nurse he caught photographing the baby in her crib. Fear of possible kidnappings of minors also in Turkey

Among all the terrible stories that have reached us – and are reaching us – from the rubble of the earthquake that hit the cities on the border between Turkey and Syria, that of little Aya, born in Jindayris, under the rubble of a house, still attached to her mother by the umbilical cord, we read it as a message of hopeas if the nature that swallowed up over forty thousand people and houses and streets, was then telling us, life wins.

But just ten days after her so incredible birth, Aya – which in Arabic means miracle – finds herself again between the lines of newspaper articles, escaped another possible tragedy: a kidnapping. Orphaned, without mother, father and brothers, she was in the Afrin hospital and the doctors let it be known that they have decided to transfer her to a safe place. According to what the BBC writes, they allegedly took this precautionary measure to protect her from possible kidnappings and fraudulent adoptions.

A few days ago the hospital director suspected a nurse who he discovered photographing the baby in the cradle. Convinced that he wanted to kidnap her, he fired him. On Monday, some armed men, accompanied by the nurse himself, beat up the director.

The head of the health directorate, Ahmad Hajj Hassan, denied claims that appeared on social media that it was an attempted kidnapping. The kidnapping allegations were a misunderstanding. It was an internal matter at the hospital and he had no connection with the child, he said.

But the little girl was still transferred. To make you suspicious health personnel, even the constant visits of people who claim to be relatives. Thousands of requests for adoption, but the management has decided to proceed with caution.

Not only in Syria, also in Turkey there is a kidnapping alarm after an attempted kidnapping of a child still hospitalised. A man pretended to be a police officer from Samandag district in Hatay province. The staff realized that his card was fake and called the officers. The man was found with fake military and police ID cards, gold and money in Turkish lira, dollars and euros worth about $6,500.

Turkish Family Minister Derya Yanik said on Monday that at least 1,362 children were separated from their families as a result of the earthquake.

February 16, 2023 (change February 16, 2023 | 1:09 pm)

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