“System Schlesinger”: Broadcasting Council special session to work up allegations of legal fees

by time news
media „System Schlesinger“

Allegations of legal fees in the millions – special meeting of the Broadcasting Council scheduled

View of the room at an RBB Broadcasting Council meeting

View of the room at an RBB Broadcasting Council meeting

Source: dpa

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In the clarification of the scandals surrounding the RBB and its controversial ex-director Schlesinger, new allegations are made. How closely did a law firm work with management and why were the legal fees so high? That should be clarified on Friday.

DThe RBB Broadcasting Council will meet for another special session on Friday. A spokesman for the station confirmed this to the Evangelical Press Service (epd) on Tuesday in Berlin. The extraordinary meeting of the supervisory body of Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg (RBB) had previously been requested in response to an RBB report on the processing of allegations against the former top broadcaster. After an RBB report on its own behalf, politicians are demanding clarification. Among other things, it is about the high costs of processing allegations against the former top broadcaster.

Another special session will be requested for February 28th. The director and board of directors would have to ensure that the law firm submitted its final report there, it said.

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The RBB report from Monday evening also gives the impression that the law firm commissioned by the broadcaster is also advising the RBB management on dealing with the Berlin Attorney General’s Office, explained the media policy spokesman for the SPD parliamentary group in Brandenburg, Erik Stohn, on Tuesday in Potsdam. He had therefore requested further extraordinary meetings of the Broadcasting Council.

31 lawyers, four law firms

The RBB report gives the impression that the law firm is helping “possible accomplices of the Schlesinger system” to “pull their heads out of the noose,” emphasized Stohn. Clarification is required about this. According to the RBB report, the work of the law firm is said to have included coordination and planning of a meeting with the public prosecutor’s office.

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Katrin Vernau, interim director of Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg (RBB), speaks at a joint meeting of the Berlin Committee for Engagement, Federal Affairs and Media with the Main Committee of the Brandenburg State Parliament in the Berlin House of Representatives.  (The red spot is the blurred lamp on a TV camera) +++ dpa picture radio +++

The broadcaster also reported, citing internal documents, that a total of 31 lawyers from four law firms had billed RBB more than 1.4 million euros from July to the end of November. The director and the board of directors would have to provide information, Stohn demanded.

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