Tokyo Electric Power Company “Tritium concentration in the sample line was below the standard” [도쿄=AP/뉴시스] Japan’s…
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Japan begins 10th discharge of contaminated water from Fukushima… 7,800 tons discharged by the 4th of next month
<a href="" title="Japan's Tokyo Electric Power Company prepares to restart nuclear power plants after suspension of…
2024-04-04T05:48:34+00:00 A- A A+ / The Japanese Meteorological Agency reported on Thursday that a 6-magnitude earthquake…
2024-04-06 03:26:53 A strong earthquake struck off the Fukushima region, in northeastern Japan, on Thursday. The…
2024-04-04T05:48:34+00:00 A- A A+ / The Japanese Meteorological Agency reported on Thursday that a 6-magnitude earthquake…