Tagarev saved BGN 100 million from the order for 3D radars, which shook him as minister (Obzor) – 2024-03-15 03:58:27

by times news cr

2024-03-15 03:58:27

Builders want more money to repair “Graf Ignatievo”, may delay the arrival of F-16

The Ministry of Defense managed to save about BGN 100 million, or 25% of the previously planned BGN 400 million for the purchase of three-dimensional radars. This is how Defense Minister Todor Tagarev justified why he did not ask for an improvement in the offers, and on March 6 (the day on which the resignation of the government was voted) he asked for approval from the Council of Ministers of the transaction with the French company “Thales”.

The decision on the military deal became one of the reasons for GERB to insist that Tagarev not remain in his post in Maria Gabriel’s office. The party also criticized him for the purchase of Stryker machines, the delayed aid to Kiev, etc. However, the co-chairman of “Change” Kiril Petkov firmly insists that Tagarev remain in the cabinet.

“Without wanting to improve the offers, the procedure has taken a year so far. I received a report from the chairman of the committee (b.a. – who looks at the proposals), that there was such an offer received, and my instructions were that he and the committee should act according to established procedure and generally accepted rules. The commission made a decision with a simple majority”, Tagarev explained when asked why he did not ask for an improvement in the offers, which is the usual practice in arms deals.

This time, however, the military was satisfied

from the procedure with the Thales winner because it would save money.

The ministry expects the delivery of the three-coordinate radars to take place within 30-36 months from the signing of the contract. The first F-16 fighters are expected to arrive in our country in the spring of 2025. Experts have already expressed concerns that they will not be able to fly if the new radars are not delivered.

“F-16s can fly without such ground radars. We currently have radar stations. True, Soviet models, but modernized, which still manage to perform the task of monitoring the airspace”, assured Tagarev. He confirmed that he has already confirmed the decision of the military commission to select a supplier and the company has been invited for negotiations. The investment expenditure project will be submitted after them and

approval by parliament will be awaited

“All this must happen by the end of 2024,” said the minister.

When asked if he will remain in the cabinet, he replied: “The decision will be made by the political forces that support the idea of ​​having a regular cabinet at all.” I hope, whatever it is, whoever the next minister is will receive the necessary parliamentary support to be able to fulfill his duties”.

Tagarev admitted to problems with the renovation of the “Graf Ignatievo” airport, which must be completed in order for the F-16 fighters to arrive. So far, it amounts to over BGN 385 million. They have been paid in advance to the companies, but the repairs are delayed.

“There are still serious risks to the timely preparation of the infrastructure to welcome the first planes. Unfortunately, additional issues have been identified in recent months. There are companies that have declared their intention to abandon the execution of the contracts, they want a sharp increase in their value, and we are not inclined to respond to this request. But we continue to work so that we can manage these risks in the best way”, said the minister.

A similar problem appeared at the end of 2022. The then acting minister Dimitar Stoyanov said that many of the companies requested indexation of payments because construction materials had become more expensive since 2019, when the contracts were concluded.

If the repair does not happen in time,

we will have to pay the US,

to store the fighters until we are ready to meet them.

170 thousand BGN was the cost of sending the first armored personnel carriers that Bulgaria donated to Ukraine, Tagarev said. They have already arrived there, and the last few are already on their way. In front of journalists, the minister made a special presentation in which he described exactly how the procedure for the dispatch went, for which GERB criticized him.

“Is it possible to make the organization of January 2 happen better (b.a. – when the shipment is finally approved by the SC)it is possible, but with 10 days, no more,” he said.

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