Tagesspiegel: December 20, 1971: The private, independent aid organization “Médecins sans Frontières” (Doctors Without Borders) is founded in Paris

by time news

Under Monday, December 20, the book of history records, among other things:

1046: At the Synod of Sutri, Emperor Heinrich III. the rival popes Silvester III. and Gregory VI. away.
1916: Count Heinrich Clam-Martinic becomes the new Austrian Prime Minister. He replaces Ernest Ritter von Koerber.
1941: Hitler appeals to the German people to collect winter clothes for the soldiers on the Eastern Front.
1946: The first film to be produced under a British license, “Tell the truth” with Gustav Fröhlich, Mady Rahl and Sonja Ziemann, premiered in Berlin.
1966: Six defendants of the Hagen Sobibor trial are sentenced to prison between three years and life.
1971: After the defeat in the war against India, Pakistan’s head of state Marshal Yahya Khan resigns and swears in Zulfikar Ali Bhutto as the new president.
1971: Under the direction of Bernard Kouchner, two independent groups of doctors and some journalists come together and set up the private, independent aid organization “Médecins sans Frontières” (Doctors Without Borders) in Paris.
1981: In Vienna, the U4 underground line between Hietzing and Hütteldorf goes into operation.
1986: In Geneva, with the exception of Iraq, OPEC oil ministers agree on production restrictions to raise the barrel price to $ 18.
1991: Representatives of the white minority government, the African National Congress (ANC) and opposition groups from all parts of South Africa meet in Johannesburg to negotiate a new democratic and non-racist constitution.
1996: The mandate of the IFOR (Implementation Force) delegated from NATO in Bosnia-Herzegovina is coming to an end. On the same day, the SFOR (Stabilization Force) follows, which 32 states provide troops and material.
2006: The SPÖ and ÖVP agree on a basic security model, which should be called needs-based minimum income, would mean more or less a standardization of social assistance and should be 726 euros. In addition, an agreement was reached on some softening of the last pension reform, including an extension of the hackers’ regulation until 2010, with which one can retire after 40 or 45 years of contribution without deductions at 60 or 65.

Birthdays: Ferdinand Buisson, French politician, Nobel Peace Prize 1927 (1841-1932); Ferdinand Avenarius, German author (1856-1923); Otto Graf Lambsdorff, German politician (FDP) (1926-2009); Sir Geoffrey Howe, British politician (1926-2015); Uri Geller, Israel. Magician (1946).
Days of Death: Cecil Roberts, British poet (1892-1976); Léopold Senghor, Senegal. Poet; President 1960-1980 (1906-2001); Michèle Morgan, French film actress (1920-2016); Carl Sagan, US astrophysicist (1934-1996); Harald Berger, east Alpinist and world champion in ice climbing (1972-2006).
Name days: Eugen, Regina, Julius, Hoger, Hermann, Holger, Heinrich, Eike, Vitus, Ignaz, Ambrosius.

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