Tagesspiegel: March 10, 1947: Beginning of the Foreign Ministers’ Conference on the Austrian State Treaty in Moscow

by time news

Under Thursday, March 10, the book of history records, among other things:

1877: Premiere of the operetta “Nanon, the Hostess to the ‘Golden Lamb'” by Richard Genée (1823-1895) in Vienna. Genée was conductor at the Theater in Vienna.
1937: The drama “November 3, 1918” by Franz Theodor Csokor has its premiere in the Burgtheater in Vienna.
1947: Start of the Foreign Ministers’ Conference on the Austrian State Treaty in Moscow.
1947: The first number of the newspaper “Wiener Montag” is published.
1952: The Soviet Union proposes to the three western powers a four-power conference to discuss a peace treaty for Germany. The USA, Great Britain and France react negatively.
1952: Bloodless military coup during the carnival celebrations in Cuba: General Fulgencio Batista, who was already president in 1940-44, seizes power, the deposed president Carlos Prío Socarrás flees to the USA. Batista establishes a dictatorship that is overthrown in 1959 by revolutionaries led by Fidel Castro.
1957: Final withdrawal of Israeli troops from the Sinai Peninsula.
1982: The US bans the import of Libyan oil and the sale of high technology to Libya.
1992: Major opposition demonstrations against Serbian President Slobodan Milošević in Belgrade.
1992: Former Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze becomes head of the newly formed Georgian State Council.
1997: In the presence of Arnold Schönberg’s children – Nuria, Ronald and Lawrence – the constitutive meeting of the “Arnold Schönberg Center” takes place in Vienna. In the course of the year, the premises of the Palais Fanto on Schwarzenbergplatz will be adapted with a budget of 30 million schillings for the estate of the creator of twelve-tone music. The institute was opened in 1998.
2002: A Palestinian suicide bomber kills 11 Israelis in a Jerusalem café.
2007: A summit meeting on the future of the UN-administered southern Serbian province of Kosovo ends in Vienna without an agreement between Belgrade and Pristina. According to UN Special Envoy Martti Ahtisaari, there is no will on either side to back down from their positions. Belgrade is categorically against the independence demanded by the Kosovar Albanians (which will then be proclaimed in February 2008).
2012: In the parliamentary elections, the social-democratic SMER achieves an absolute majority in the Slovakian parliament. Prime Minister for the second time after 2006 is Robert Fico, who replaces Iveta Radičová in office.

birthdays: Johann Peter Melchior, German sculptor (according to other sources March 8) (1747-1825); Friedrich Schlegel, German poet (1772-1829); Arthur Honegger, Swiss-French. composer (1892-1955); Paul Wunderlich, German painter and graphic artist (1927-2010); Josef (“Jupp”) Derwall, German football coach (1927-2007).
days of death: Johann Joseph Graf von Trautson, Austria catholic theologian (1704-1757); Giuseppe Mazzini, Italian politician (1805-1872); Gustav Keckeis, Switzerland. writer (1884-1967); La Vern Baker, US singer (1928-1997); John Surtees, British racing driver; Formula 1 world champion and motorcycle world championship (1934-2017); Jean Giraud (Moebius), French comic artist (1938-2012); Joni Sledge, US singer (Sister Sledge) (1956-2017).
name days: Emil, Gustav, Henriette, Klodwig, Alexander, John Ogilvie, Attala, Makarius, (40 martyrs).

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