Tagesspiegel: March 14, 1947: Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg join forces to form the Benelux Customs Union

by time news

Under Monday, March 14, the book of history records, among other things:

1707: The “Versatz- und Frag-Amt” is founded in Vienna by patent from Emperor Joseph I. In 1788 it moved to the much larger, abandoned Dorotheer monastery and has been called “Dorotheum” ever since.
1917: China breaks off diplomatic relations with Germany.
1937: In his encyclical “Mit brennender concern” published in German, Pope Pius XI denounces the obstruction of the church by the Nazi regime in Germany. The German Reich government protests “strongly” against the text that will be read from the pulpits on March 21.
1942: The Burmese independence leader and later national hero Aung San, who had been in the resistance against the British since 1937, founded the “Burma Independence Army” with the approval of the Japanese occupying power. In 1945 she sided with the Allies.
1947: Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg join forces to form the Benelux Customs Union. It comes into effect on January 1, 1948.
1962: China accuses the Soviet Union of organizing the mass exodus of Kazakhs and Uyghurs from Xinjiang (Sinkiang). The Soviet consulate general and the trade mission in Urumchi are closed, and the Soviet technical advisers are withdrawn.
1967: Helmut Schmidt succeeds the late Fritz Erler as the new chairman of the Bundestag faction of the German Social Democrats (SPD).
1972: 112 people are killed when a Danish plane crashes in the Persian Gulf.
1972: The Rhein-Main Airport is opened in Frankfurt/Main.
1997: Herbert Tumpel, President of the Chamber of Labor for Vienna, is elected President of the Federal Chamber of Labor for the third time, replacing Lore Hostasch in office.
2007: On the international stock exchanges, there is a price slide for the first time due to a crisis in the US mortgage banks and concerns about the US economy – the crisis has been going on for months worldwide.

birthdays: Antônio de Castro Alves, Brazilian poet (1847-1871); Jürgen Brodwolf, Swiss Painter (1932); Gerhart Lippert, German-Austrian actor (1937); Rita Tushingham, English actress (1942); Franco Frattini, Italian politician; EU Commissioner 2004-2008 (1957).
days of death: Enzio, Italian king (around 1215-1272); Juan Manuel de Rosas, argent. politician (1793-1877); George Eastman, US inventor (1854-1932); Friedrich August Haselwander, German engineer and inventor (1859-1932); Margareta Sjöstedt, Swedish chamber singer (1923-2012); Giangiacomo Feltrinelli, Italian publisher (1926-1972); Jean Poiret, French actor (1926-1992); Gretl Aicher, puppeteer and director of the Salzburg Marionette Theater (1928-2012).
name days: Mathilde, Pauline, Zacharias, Gottfried, Konrad, Evelyne, Einhard, Mechthilde, Eva, Jakob.

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