Nine projects, with a total budget of 4.3 billion euros, he undertook to implement Public Property Utilization Fund (TAIPED)as the Governmental Committee on Projects of Strategic Importance at its last meeting decided to assign them to the Project Preparation Facility (PPF) of the Fund.

Specifically, they are the following:

1. Integrated Forest Management System

The project concerns the creation of an Integrated Forest Management System which aims at the holistic management of forest ecosystems, in order to clean them more efficiently and reduce the risk of fire. The project includes the development of an Integrated Forest Information System, the creation of Registers of External Auditors and the Development of Forest Ecosystem Management Contracts, the design of biomass subsidy systems and compensatory benefits.

The project budget is estimated at a total of 8,872,200 euros and the financing will be provided by the Green Fund by 100%. The project is being implemented in three phases of 36 months each and is expected to be completed in 2033.

2. Forestry studies of forest ecosystem management

This is a project of vital importance since it concerns the integrated management and utilization of the forest ecosystems of our country according to their potential, with the preparation of Forestry Studies (DM). With this project, forestry is organized for the most effective protection, maintenance and development of forests and the perpetual reaping of fruits.

The data of the DMs will be entered into a Single Database from which immediate and safe conclusions can be drawn for the management of every forest in Greece. By adopting artificial intelligence and remote sensing technologies, it will be possible to efficiently process large volumes of data with increased accuracy and speed. The Single Database will be interconnected with the Natura protected areas management framework, with the anti-fire plans and Anti Nero projects, with the Grazing Management Plans under development and with the Forest Inventory and Monitoring System. In the future, it will be connected to National Database Information Systems, but also to the revised River Basin Management Plans (RBMPs) and Flood Risk Management Plans (FRMPs).

The project’s budget is estimated at a total of 15,000,000 euros and the financing is secured from the resources of the Green Fund. The project is expected to start in the fourth quarter of 2024 and be completed by the first quarter of 2026.

3. Mountain hydrology projects – Aqua Montis Program

The program concerns the implementation of mountain hydrology projects in critical areas, such as in Thessaly, which will be implemented as a priority in mountain streambeds.

In particular, taking into account the intensity and consequences of the extreme natural phenomena Daniel and Elias that hit Thessaly in the fall of 2023, natural water retention interventions will be implemented as a priority in the mountains of the specific region, while at the same time the possibility of extending the program in question to Attica will be implemented and in all the critical mountain basins of the country.

With the mountain hydronomic projects, the stabilization and protection of the soils is achieved, the upgrading of the natural environment in the mountainous zone, while in the lowland zone the flood peak is reduced, the soils are protected from deposits and erosions, the sustainability of the anti-flooding projects is ensured, the amount of of transported materials that end up in the plain beds, the lifetime of the reservoirs increases and the maintenance costs of land improvement projects are reduced. These are necessary interventions as the existing works under the influence of very adverse environmental conditions for many decades, need immediate maintenance and repair to continue contributing to anti-corrosion and anti-flood protection as well as to the proper functioning of the entire settlement system.

The project budget is estimated at a total of 200,000,000 euros, with the possibility of expansion to 600,000,000 euros. Its implementation is expected to start in the fourth quarter of 2024 with a completion date of the second quarter of 2027 for the first phase of projects amounting to 200,000,000 euros and by the first quarter of 2029 for the remaining budget.

4. Modernization fund

The Modernization Fund was established by the European Commission in 2021 as part of the EU’s goal of climate neutrality by 2050. The Modernization Fund is being established in Greece with the aim of fulfilling its obligations as a member state and managing the respective available funds of the fund for decarbonisation actions. It is financed by the revenues of the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS).

The amount of funding will come from the auction of 19.4 million allowances under the ETS and is estimated to amount to 1.32 billion euros. The operation of the Fund is expected to start in the third quarter of 2024 and the actions to be co-financed have a completion horizon of the fourth quarter of 2035.

5. Decarbonization Fund

The Decarbonization Fund (TA) is set up with the purpose of financing actions for the decarbonization of the Greek islands, such as electricity interconnection projects, infrastructure for electrification of docked ships from land (cold ironing), charging of electric vehicles, renewable energy sources, hybrid RES systems/ storage or stand-alone storage systems and offshore wind farms. The establishment and operation of the Fund is subject to the provisions of a tripartite agreement between Greece, the European Commission and the European Investment Bank (EIB).

The Decarbonisation Fund will be financed from the expected proceeds from the auction of 25 million allowances under the ETS currently estimated at a total of €1.5 billion, with the implementation schedule of the actions set from the third quarter of 2024 to the fourth quarter of 2030.

6. Municipal Emissions Plans (MEPs) & Energy Efficiency Plans (EEPs) to support local authorities

The project concerns the support of the country’s 325 OTAs of the first degree, to achieve their legal obligations arising from the country’s commitments for a green transition through the reduction of gas emissions and the energy transition of the public sector, as they primarily arise by the National Climate Law 4936/2022 and Law 4843/2021 and are reflected in the National Energy and Climate Plan (ESEK).

The objectives of the project are: a) the preparation of Municipal Emissions Plans (MEPs) and Energy Performance Plans (EPPs), b) the independent verification of the carbon footprint included in the EPPs and EPPs, c) the development of performance indicators (PIs) of the OTAs in the thematic sections related to the Ministry of the Interior and the creation of a platform for monitoring the emission reduction targets of the local authorities and d) the management of all the above actions by the TAIPED.

The project initially includes the systematic recording of the emissions of all OTAs of the first degree of the territory (DiSME) and the energy efficiency of all their owned buildings (SEAK), as well as the preparation of action plans at the level of the Municipality for a) the energy upgrade of the buildings facilities (SEAK) and b) the achievement of emission reduction targets with milestones in the years 2025 & 2030 (DiSME).

The project will have significant benefits in terms of the achievement of the country’s climate goals as the Ministry of the Interior will be able to easily monitor the energy performance of the 1st grade local authorities throughout the territory. With the implementation of the emission reduction target monitoring platform, an easy-to-use and universal digital tool is created for the quick and easy collection and evaluation of the primary data available to the Municipalities on an annual basis.

The total project budget is estimated at 25,557,069.60 euros, while the duration of its implementation from start to completion is estimated at 40 months.

7. Interventions to modernize, improve & upgrade port infrastructures and their provided services, digital upgrade interventions, safety-protection, accessibility for people with reduced mobility

The project concerns the modernization and upgrading of the port infrastructures and the services provided (interventions of digital upgrading, security – protection, accessibility for people with reduced mobility).

In particular, it concerns the projects:

  • Expansion of Port and Building Facilities port of Agios Nikolaos Crete.
  • Upgrading port facilities of the port of Katapolon Amorgou & Peripheral road of the port of Katapolon.
  • Folegandros port pier extension.
  • Port of Agios Efstratiou.
  • Extension of the windward pier of Agios Kirikos, Ikaria.
  • Construction of a leeward jetty of the port of Evdilos, Ikaria.
  • Repair of a pier on piles in the central port of Fourni island.
  • Repair and extension of the jetty of the Antikythera River.
  • Upgrade of port facilities – extension of quays in the Port of Kamariotissa, Samothraki Island.
  • Reconstruction of Megistis Kastellorizo ​​port quays.
  • Extension of Lipsi port.
  • Completion of Avlakia Othon port.
  • Expansion – improvement of the port of Mathrakis.
  • Improvement of infrastructure and facilities of the port of Agios Stefanos Avliotes.
  • Passenger drop-off port facility at the western end of Agia Roumeli Sfakion.
  • Improvement – expansion of the port of Mavris Limnonas Sfakion.
  • Expansion – improvement of Palaiochora port infrastructure.

The project budget amounts to a total of 110,000,000 euros and its implementation is expected to be completed in December 2027.

8. Approval of a budget increase for the reinforcement of the roofs, their static and functional restoration at the OAKA

The Government Committee decided to increase the budget by 65,690,296.75 euros for the upgrade of the Athens Olympic Sports Center (OAKA), in order to implement the necessary interventions for the static adequacy of the roofs of the Central Stadium and the Cycling Track.

After the adjustment, the budget of the project, which is implemented by the Strategic Importance Contracts Unit of TAIPED and the Technical Chamber of Greece (TEE), amounts to 110,947,648.75 euros.

9. Interventions to upgrade equipment and infrastructure, and strengthen the operational capacity of the General Secretariat of Public Order

The project envisages the implementation of targeted interventions for the modernization and strengthening of the Greek Police in four axes:

  • Supplies to reinforce technical and operational equipment (vehicles, watercraft, drones, thermal cameras, electronic equipment for the Border Protection Directorate, etc.).
  • New technologies (development of an Integrated Information System in the field of border management, electronic surveillance system at external borders, etc.).
  • Building infrastructure (upgrading existing and building new infrastructure).
  • Actions to prevent and combat criminal activity (utilization of new technologies to combat illegal drug trafficking, investigation of financial crime cases, upgrade of the fingerprint recognition and identification system).

The project budget amounts to 650,478,592.74 euros.

With the assignment of the new projects by the Government Committee for Projects of Strategic Importance, the PPF has undertaken the management of investments on behalf of the State with a total budget of more than 7 billion euros and is its largest partner in the implementation of projects of national strategic importance.

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