Taiwan: China and the US clash – Janayugom Online

by time news

Ramesh Babu

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August 13, 2022 5:15 am

doThe United States and China are at loggerheads over a small island called Taiwan, which is only as big as Kerala below India, which is causing the world to worry again. The Russia-Ukraine war broke out while the people of the world were trying to get their lives back to normal after somehow overcoming the Covid. The countries of the world are experiencing its damages and misfortunes in many ways. Meanwhile, two superpowers are fighting over Taiwan. Since the world is a global village today, even the events that take place inside the Iron Curtain will directly or indirectly manifest its reflections.
US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s flight to Taiwan has led to new provocations. China has warned America not to play with fire. “American support for Taiwan is more critical than ever. Pelosi left after receiving Taiwan’s highest national honor, the Order of Propitious Clouds, stating that the United States is committed to protecting democracy anywhere in the world, including Taiwan, where the world is between democracy and dictatorship. After Pelosi returned to Taiwan with the hidden agendas of American imperialism, its negative reflections began to appear in the region.

Also Read: US provocation in the Taiwan region

China stepped up military exercises around Taiwan to express its anger at Pelosi’s visit. China has stopped fruit and fish imports from Taiwan. Exports of natural sand to Taiwan have also been halted. Japan has raised suspicions that ballistic missiles fired by China over the Taiwan Strait landed in its exclusive economic zone. Air services in Taiwan were disrupted. Moreover, international services on Taiwan’s airways have also been suspended. Chinese military exercises have also affected shipping through the Taiwan Strait. The movement of many ships to the European market will be disrupted by this, which will disrupt trade. This was condemned by the G7 nations. ASEAN countries are also warning that the Taiwan crisis will lead to open conflict between the superpowers. As the conflict in the region intensifies, its reverberations will not be limited there. It will lead to global crises.

Also Read: Taiwan announces military exercise

The dispute between Taiwan and China goes back many years in history. Following the revolutionary victory in October 1949, Mao Zedong declared People’s China a republic. Defeated that day, Chiang Kai-shek fled with his army to the island of Taiwan. He made Taipei his capital and began his rule. Chiang claimed that Taiwan was the original Republic of China and was recognized by the anti-communist countries. America and Britain were in the forefront in this regard. Although Taiwan continues to be known as the Republic of China, it is not recognized as a country by the UN. This is also the reason why China declared Taiwan as their own. It was almost as if the United States had accepted this. Taiwan had defeated China’s attempt to take over Taiwan through the strategy of one country, two systems, just as it had taken over Hong Kong. Ironically, Taiwan’s economic sector is still dependent on China. At the same time, the US, which does not recognize Taiwan as a country, is making the intervention there even more complicated.

Also Read: Intervention in Taiwan: China’s Warning to Beden

The American speaker has visited Taiwan 25 years ago. Even then Chena was dissatisfied but they were not such a big power. By 2022, China will be the second largest economy in the world. America remains number one. According to world political observers, China aims to become a world power in 2049, the 100th anniversary of the Chinese Revolution. Prior to that, it is observed that there is a move to give permission to Xi Jinping, the party’s highest leader and president, for a third term in the administration and to continue as president until his death. It is clear that America’s current interest is to block China’s efforts to become a world leader. China, which is trying to dominate the Asian region by invading bordering countries like India, Cambodia and Laos, is also making efforts to dominate the South China Sea. Against this, the United States has set up a military base on the Japanese island of Okinawa. And they are expanding the alliance of NATO nations. The United States and its allies fought in Afghanistan under the threat that they would intervene strongly in the world order, but eventually failed and retreated. The NATO countries, including the United States, which pushed Ukraine to war with Russia only by giving them weapons, are arming that country without trying for a ceasefire or peace.

Also Read: America has spread fear again

China strongly insists that Taiwan, an autonomous region, is part of it. The people of Taiwan, which enjoy democratic independence but are not recognized as a nation, resent Chinese supremacy. In this situation, the United States has come and gone without clarifying what solution it is proposing and what kind of sanctions it is going to end.
There is no doubt that the confrontation between the capitalist nation of the United States and China in the name of supremacy and supremacy will have great consequences for the whole world. Another question is how the conflict will affect India. It is to be hoped that India, which is a member of the ‘Quad’ alliance comprising the United States, Japan and Australia, will not become a scapegoat in a new conflict situation.

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