Telegram founder and CEO Pavel Durov announced new features for Telegram aimed at combating illegal content and more.
According to AFP, Durov said in a statement posted on Telegram on the 6th (local time), “Telegram is not perfect,” and “We will take more action against illegal content that occurs among a very small portion of our 950 million users.”
Durov was arrested by French police on the 24th of last month as soon as he arrived at Le Bourget Airport outside Paris on his private plane.
He was provisionally charged with complicity in various crimes, including possession and distribution of child sexual exploitation material and drug trafficking, but was released on bail of 5 million euros (about 7.4 billion won).
While further investigations are ongoing, Durov must remain in France and report to police twice a week.
“99.999% of Telegram users are not involved in crime, but the 0.001% who are involved in illegal activities are creating a bad image for the platform, which is endangering the interests of nearly a billion users,” Durov said.
At the same time, it was announced that it would delete the ‘People Nearby’ function, which had fraud issues, and launch the ‘Businesses Nearby’ function, which only provides information on legitimate and verified businesses.
Durov, who is a citizen of Russia, France, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and is considered a mysterious figure, said on Telegram the previous day (the 5th) that “it is wrong for France to hold me responsible for crimes committed by third parties on the platform.”
(Seoul = News 1)
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