Take care of them: this is how you will improve the nutrition of seniors

by time news

Next week we will celebrate Holocaust Remembrance Day, a day when we commemorate the dead. But along with communion with the memory of those who perished, we cherish those who survived the inferno and draw inspiration from them.

In January, the Authority for the Rights of Holocaust Survivors published up-to-date data on the survivors: 150,600 Holocaust survivors and victims of anti-Semitic harassment during the Holocaust currently live in Israel, 94.4% of whom are 80 years old or older. In their honor, we have chosen to focus on nutrition for the elderly, especially for those who support an elderly family member, help an elderly neighbor or volunteer in organizations that help Holocaust survivors and the elderly in Israel.

Nutrition during this period of life is essential and has a great impact on the quality of life. It is important to maintain a sufficient amount of energy for the proper functioning of the body. During this period, unlike earlier periods in life, the main concern is low consumption of food, consumption of poor quality food, and a lack of important nutrients, including vitamins and minerals.

A significant difficulty, and perhaps the greatest at these ages, is loneliness. Despite the free time, and in some cases excess time, many elderly people find it difficult to take care of themselves. And not necessarily because they cannot function independently, but because loneliness, preparing food and eating alone hurts the appetite compared to eating in company.

Added to this are physiological changes that make eating difficult. Changes in the oral cavity (teeth, gums), damage to the sense of taste, effect of drug treatment, decreased appetite, restrictive diets as a result of chronic diseases, higher incidence of depression and digestive system disorders.

Here are some adoption recommendations for the elderly, their family members and other caregivers:

Protein: to slow the loss of muscle mass

Sarcopenia describes a condition in which there is a gradual loss of muscle mass that impairs movement and mobility, with a risk of osteoporosis (“bone depletion”), an increase in the risk of falls and fractures – and in general an impairment of physical function and independence. The frequency of the phenomenon increases in parallel with the increase in life expectancy. It is estimated that about 30% of people over Age 60 and more than 50% of people over 80 suffer from muscle wasting due to aging.

Factors that accelerate the loss of muscle mass in an older person include a decrease in physical activity, a lack of testosterone and growth hormone, weight loss and a decrease in protein intake.

Beyond the low consumption of protein in the menu, metabolic changes in adults cause a reduced production of protein in the muscles compared to young people who consume the same amount of protein in the menu. It is therefore necessary to significantly increase the amount of protein in the meal.

Where is protein? In eggs, dairy products – you should prefer those enriched with protein – in fish, meat and legumes.

Dietary fiber: to improve the functioning of the digestive system

With age there is a decrease in intestinal motility, and many elderly people suffer from constipation. Constipation can also occur as a secondary symptom of a disease or other phenomenon: diabetes, hypothyroidism (underactivity of the thyroid gland), neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s disease, spinal cord injury and stroke – all of these sometimes cause a decrease in bowel motility that leads to constipation. Various medications may also cause a decrease in bowel motility, such as medications to balance hypertension or opioids for chronic pain.

It is important to suggest to the elderly to talk to the family doctor about bowel activity and to receive treatment in case of constipation. Constipation is a common and well-known problem and it has solutions.

Foods rich in dietary fiber affect intestinal activity. They are not digested in the human body, but their passage through the digestive system benefits (mostly) the health of the body. Good sources of dietary fiber in food are whole grains (in the seed coat), fruits and vegetables – mainly in their skin – and legumes.
In addition to this, make sure that throughout the day there is sufficient drinking that helps soften the stool and regular bowel movements.

Seasoning: less sodium, more appetite

The popular seasoning for Israelis’ favorite food is table salt, which consists of the minerals sodium and chlorine. Minerals are components that originate from the earth, and the human body does not produce them. The plants extract the minerals from the soil, and we consume the minerals from direct sources such as plants, water – and indirectly from the animals. The human body cannot exist without the mineral sodium. It is necessary for proper fluid balance in the body, transmission of nerve signals, muscle contraction, proper heart rate, and more.

But as in any area of ​​life, the problem is in dosage and balance. In Israel, as well as in many places in the world, sodium consumption is particularly high than the recommended intake. Excess consumption is linked to increased risk of hypertension, cardiovascular disease and stroke.

Spice planters (Photo: Ingaimg)

Spice planters (Photo: Ingaimg)

It is therefore recommended to reduce the consumption of ultra-processed food, which often contains high amounts of sodium, to reduce the use of salt at home, and if you season it – to choose salt enriched with iodine, a mineral that many people in Israel do not consume enough of. To improve flavors and increase appetite, it is recommended to add herbs and spices such as celery, parsley, coriander, dill, paprika, cumin, pepper. Plenty of herbs and spices can help reduce sodium intake. During long cooking, it is recommended to add whole or roughly chopped herbs, so the release of the flavor will be slower.

In short cooking, where you want a quick release of the flavor, it is recommended to add chopped or ground herbs. Water dilutes the taste of the food, so it is recommended to start cooking with the minimum amount of water required, and if necessary, add more during cooking. Planters of spice plants on the windowsill can be an interesting hobby and occupation and also a practical solution for seasoning food.

It is known that life expectancy has increased in recent years due to the progress of medical research, the extensive knowledge of preventive medicine and the adoption of a healthy lifestyle that combines physical activity. Along with the pleasure we derive from the fact that people close to us get to live a longer period of time, the struggle associated with morbidity at these ages increases.

Proper nutrition is part of the set of factors that affect the quality of life, and in cases of doubt, it is recommended to consult a dietician, who can, according to taste preferences, food availability, and functional capacity, adapt a correct menu. 

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