“Taking Care of Those Who Take Care”, training course in Camigliatello Silano before the resumption of lessons

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“Taking Care of Those Who Take Care”, training course in Camigliatello Silano before the resumption of lessons

This year the Teaching Staff of the IC Curinga wants to start the new school year with a two-day training course in Camigliatello Silano to take care of ourselves.

Care, good relationships, listening, being together are the founding elements of these two days dedicated to a time in which teachers and managers want to dedicate to ourselves, outside the school walls, in direct contact with nature and the benefits it brings.

It will be a slow time dedicated to ourselves, to do what we often neglect at school: meet each other, look each other in the eyes, listen to each other, take care of each other.

We need “care” understood as physical and mental well-being to dedicate to ourselves to feed ourselves with positive and emotional energy essential for the restart of the new school year.

The idea was born in the last College in June, when we said to ourselves: what can we do for ourselves? To not feel cramped and exhausted? Do we want to share together a formative and emotional moment that belongs to us?

This is how this stay in Sila takes shape, which we are preparing to experience outside the school setting, through an alternative path made up of moments of cognitive training but at the same time also of moments of awareness, thanks to the practice of Mindfulness.

The opportunity to leave the school and ask myself what we are investing in this year, I as a manager have it very clear: to build new alliances with families and with the social community, which will be followed by the entire program for the new school year, full of significant learning and initiatives with the territory.

While continuing to embrace our social school project, we wish to reserve a special place for ourselves, who live school every day with seriousness, a sense of duty and self-denial.

We can take care of students and families as it is right, only if we find time to dedicate to our well-being too: knowing that the Principal is there for the teachers and that the teachers are there for the Principal and all together undertake with our students scholastic paths congenial to each of them, to make them passionate about study, culture, but also about the sense of belonging and meeting.

The training program includes courses within the Training of school staff for the digital transition in state schools (DM 66/2023)

The first path is entrusted to the Educational Psychologist Stefano Rossi, entitledThinking together about new digital labyrinths where the Speaker will offer interesting ideas to teachers to combine digital with creativity and emotional intelligence.

The second course held by Co-educator Ilenia Raffaele, “Mindfulness- Connections beyond digital”, under the banner of self-awareness, with the aim of knowing and feeling good about oneself in order to feel good with others, and of Self-Love, as an essential basis for every healthy relationship, because taking care of ourselves implies achieving a global psychophysical well-being aimed, among other benefits, at preventing born-out.

This small but precious experience will take place in the relaxing setting of the Sila, in contact with nature and with the benefits that it also brings to thought, reasoning and cognition.

I have great faith in my teachers and their potential, so once we return to school with the usual times and spaces, with our meetings, councils and Colleges we will have begun to create new conditions for reasoning in a systemic and shared way about the new school year.

Curinga Comprehensive Institute

Director Giovanna Bruno

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