talent in search of success – time.news

by time news

The winner of the XXI edition of the recognition reserved for artists under 40 will be announced on 10 October. Then all on display at the Palazzo Reale in Milan

The winner of the XXI edition of the Cairo Prize for contemporary art reserved for twenty artists under 40 selected by the magazine Art (Cairo Publisher). All the unpublished works created by them will be exhibited for free from 11 to 16 October at Palazzo Reale in Milan, where the ceremony will take place. We had been ready for this edition for two years before Covid blocked it – recalls Michele Bonuomo, director of “Arte” -. In this waiting time the works have lost none of their qualities, on the contrary they have increased their meaning. They focus on the relationship with the environment, the virtual, technology, addressing it with different languages. We present artists with an identity already revealed, but who need affirmation.

The artists, they have between 25 and 40 years (upon registration), are: Thomas Braida, Bros (Daniele Nicolosi), Elia Cantori, Linda Carrara, Giulia Cenci, Valentina De ‘Math, Luca Di Luzio, Federica Di Pietrantonio, Alice Faloretti, Bruno Fantelli, Andrea Fontanari, Gaia Fugazza , Alessandro Gerull, Corinna Gosmaro, Cecilia Granara, Giulio Malinverni, Jacopo Martinotti, Adinda-Putri Palma, Diego Scecchini, Marta Spagnoli. The winner will be selected by a jury chaired by Patrizia Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, president of the homonymous Foundation of Turin, and composed by Luca Massimo Barbero of the Cini Foundation; Mariolina Bassetti, chairman of Christie’s Italia; Gabriella Belli, of the Civic Museums of Venice; Ilaria Bonacossa, of the National Museum of Digital Art in Milan; Lorenzo Giusti, of the Modern Art Gallery of Bergamo; Andrea Viliani, of the Museo delle Civilt in Rome and by the master Emilio Isgr.

We started talking about this award in 1999 with the then director of “Arte” Lucio Madera, he recalled the patron Urbano Cairo. I was already passionate about art and I would like to increase knowledge in the sector for everyone, both with the magazine and with the award. The first edition was in 2000 at the Posteria, then we moved on to the Permanente and after 14 years we had the opportunity to come to the Royal Palace. We offer young people a stage to express themselves; the artist’s life continues to be tiring and recognition often occurs late. Many of the participants (the first winner was Luca Pignatelli) then had a certain exhibition success and about forty artists exhibited at the Biennale.

For the Municipality of Milan, the exhibition is framed in the interest of the city for contemporary art, which passes through both the collaboration with private individuals active with various exhibitions (Trussardi, Prada and HangarBicocca foundations with the retrospective on Bruce Nauman) and with the next public event of Art Week: Yesterday we gathered the table that will accompany MiArt looking at the circulation of new artists and committing ourselves to the residences of artists in the city in order to favor not only the exhibition system, but also the creation, he declared the Councilor for Culture Tommaso Sacchi. The Cairo Prize continues this line by bringing to light new talents. an authoritative award for the proponent, the jury, effective communication and economic reward: the choices have demonstrated this, he adds the director of Palazzo Reale, Domenico Piraina. For these reasons we are happy to host it here.

The announcement of the winner can be streamed on time.news
. The winning work will become part of the Cairo Prize collection.

Zero impact

The Cairo Award adheres to LifeGate’s Zero Impact: the CO2 emissions generated are offset with the protection of 19,800 square meters of forest in Madagascar. Partner of the prize also the International ArtSale auction house.

September 21, 2022 (change September 21, 2022 | 21:40)

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