Tali Gottlieb accuses: Esther Hayut has created a quarrel and a fight with the people, that she should resign right now

by time news

In a conversation with Nissim Mashal on 103fm, Knesset member Tali Gottlieb (Likud) expressed her opinion on the disqualification of Aryeh Deri for the appointment of a minister in the incoming government and referred to the possibility that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu will not fire the Shas chairman in accordance with the High Court’s ruling, but will find a solution for him to flaunt

Gottlieb said: “I would not fire Minister Deri. In my eyes, this ruling is null and void.”

Later, she attacked Supreme Court President Ester Hayut and said: “I no longer expect anything from her, she has stirred up strife and discord among the people. Whoever threatens me to resign if I enact a law, resign now.”

On the reform of the incoming Minister of Justice Yariv Levin, she added: “Not only did we not exaggerate, in my opinion, Yariv Levin is beyond my measure. I would have gone to much more extreme lines.”

In the latest news it was reported this morning (Friday) that Supreme Court President Esther Hayut said in closed conversations that she prefers to avoid conveying a message that would be interpreted as a public threat, but if the Levin and Netanyahu adversary reform is completed in the Knesset – she will not remain in her position.

“Animals and Levin are people of black and white. Their public responsibilities will push them to try to reach compromises with which they will have to live,” assesses politician Ram Derg in the article. “For the time being, we are not there. Both are digging in and claim that the other is ‘extremist,’ and therefore the President of the State Yitzhak Herzog at this stage was working on finding a framework to start the dialogue, and not on bringing positions together.”

In private rooms, Hayut’s interlocutors heard that she would resign if the plan, as it is, is accepted by the Knesset on second and third reading – that is, in a few months, about six months before her official retirement.

Hayut, through her media advisor, denies the things.

“Hayat decided she had no choice,” explained a senior official in the justice system. “Even though her hands are tied, she is also fighting for the public’s trust no less than Levin, who claims that the public not only supports him numerically, but also gave him the electoral power to change. According to the minister’s words and the bills he has already published, the gap between them cannot be bridged and has no basis at all for negotiations. They are currently only on a collision course of a forceful struggle for public opinion and the position of the MKs.”

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