Taliban Law: Unnecessary; The Taliban disbanded the Ministries of Elections, Peace and Parliamentary Affairs

by time news

First Published Dec 27, 2021, 11:32 AM IST

ANew rules for women have been announced in Afghanistan. The new Taliban’s Shariah interpretation of the Taliban’s Women’s Protection Act has been announced. The Ministry for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice has announced the new Women’s Protection Act. Under the new law, women can travel up to 45 miles (72 km) without family members. If women want to travel further than that, they must be accompanied by a man in the family. Ministry spokesman Sadeq Akif Muhajir also said that traveling women who do not wear the hijab alone should not be allowed in the vehicles. The Taliban have suspended the Ministry of Elections, the Ministry of Peace and the Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs, following in the footsteps of the Ministry of Women’s Affairs, branding them as unnecessary ministries in the country. The Taliban’s new regime reforms come amid warnings that the country is facing a severe food crisis.

The Taliban implemented two important decisions last week, despite the country’s declining economic and food security. One of them is the dismissal of the Taliban by the Union and State Ministries of Peace and Parliamentary Affairs. Another is the dismissal of two election commissions in Afghanistan.

disbanded Ministries of Elections Peace and Parliamentary Affairs Taliban said its Unnecessary

Bilal Karimi, a deputy spokesman for the Taliban government, said the move was “unnecessary” for the current situation in Afghanistan. He also claimed that the Taliban government could revive the commissions if needed in the future.

disbanded Ministries of Elections Peace and Parliamentary Affairs Taliban said its Unnecessary

The two election commissions were government agencies that controlled and oversaw all kinds of elections in the country, including presidential, parliamentary, and provincial council elections. Karimi said the Taliban had dissolved the Ministry of Peace and the Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs following the dismissal of Election Commission members.

disbanded Ministries of Elections Peace and Parliamentary Affairs Taliban said its Unnecessary

He added that in the current structure of government, they are unnecessary ministries. The Taliban had earlier shut down the Ministry of Women’s Affairs. The Taliban also announced new women’s laws in the name of protecting women.

disbanded Ministries of Elections Peace and Parliamentary Affairs Taliban said its Unnecessary

The new guidelines are also being rolled out across the country using social media networks. The new law was announced after the ministry asked television channels in Afghanistan to stop showing plays and operas featuring female actors.

disbanded Ministries of Elections Peace and Parliamentary Affairs Taliban said its Unnecessary

The ministry’s new proposal to ban women from traveling significant distances alone also calls for people to stop playing music in their vehicles. The ministry also asked women TV journalists to wear the hijab during presentations if women are presenting programs on television.

disbanded Ministries of Elections Peace and Parliamentary Affairs Taliban said its Unnecessary

However, the Taliban’s interpretation of the hijab, which can cover the face or the whole body, from covering the hair, is unclear. It is reported that the majority of Afghan women have become accustomed to wearing headscarves since the Taliban’s second coming.

disbanded Ministries of Elections Peace and Parliamentary Affairs Taliban said its Unnecessary

The Taliban has been repeating itself since August last year, when it was the second Taliban government to be different from the first Taliban government. But reports from People say that the Taliban are still pursuing certain goals, such as banning music and encroaching on women’s freedom.

disbanded Ministries of Elections Peace and Parliamentary Affairs Taliban said its Unnecessary

In various provinces, the local Taliban are urging authorities to reopen schools. However, many girls are still far from secondary education. Earlier this month, the Islamist group issued an edict in the name of its supreme leader, urging the government to implement women’s rights.

disbanded Ministries of Elections Peace and Parliamentary Affairs Taliban said its Unnecessary

This was followed by a new order by the Ministry of Taliban Promotion and Prevention of Immorality. The country is currently going through a major financial crisis. All financial aid from foreign countries stopped. Afghanistan does not currently receive assistance from agencies, including the UN.

disbanded Ministries of Elections Peace and Parliamentary Affairs Taliban said its Unnecessary

Observers say the Taliban are now trying to create the impression that they are giving special consideration to women and children in order to gain the recognition of other countries and to allow denied financial aid.

disbanded Ministries of Elections Peace and Parliamentary Affairs Taliban said its Unnecessary

Global financial providers have repeatedly called on the Taliban to give women and girls more freedom and respect. During the previous Taliban regime, there were strict restrictions on the rights of women. Afghan women are forced to wear a full-body burqa. It was forbidden to go out of the house or to work or even to school except with the man in the family.

disbanded Ministries of Elections Peace and Parliamentary Affairs Taliban said its Unnecessary

But after coming to power for the second time, the country’s economy is in a slump. The country is heading for unprecedented food shortages. Civil war, drought and low-income financial assistance programs have pushed large sections of the population into the grip of severe food shortages.

disbanded Ministries of Elections Peace and Parliamentary Affairs Taliban said its Unnecessary

In the midst of this tragedy, the Taliban announced a new women’s security law. Nesefor Magenti, head of the Afghanistan delegation at the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, says the drought is leading to a worrying food shortage.

disbanded Ministries of Elections Peace and Parliamentary Affairs Taliban said its Unnecessary

Approximately 22.8 million people, or more than 55% of Afghanistan’s population – high
It has been gripped by food shortages. About 60% of the provinces in the country have been hit by severe drought.

disbanded Ministries of Elections Peace and Parliamentary Affairs Taliban said its Unnecessary

But it is not certain how far this crisis can be overcome, as some provinces have already faced severe or moderate droughts. He warns that if immediate action is not taken, the situation in Afghanistan will be dire.

disbanded Ministries of Elections Peace and Parliamentary Affairs Taliban said its Unnecessary

Right now, Afghanistan is going through the worst humanitarian crisis in the world. He added that the saddest thing was that the scale of the disaster could have been reduced if action had been taken earlier.


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