Talon shows its desire for economic diplomacy

by time news

Transfer of the cooperation component to the Ministry of the Economy: Talon shows his desire for economic diplomacy

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Patrice Talon

Unexpected fact. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is dispossessed of its ”cooperation” component and handed over to the Ministry of Economy and Finance. It was the Head of State, Patrice Talon himself, who took this decision to technically reorganize these two ministries on Wednesday April 5, 2023. Indeed, this decision by the President of the Republic can be analyzed as a sanction of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for insufficient results, according to observers informed of diplomatic matters. Because, it is the first time since independence that this suppression occurs in the history of Benin. According to some analysts, the reshuffle consecrates the weakening of the ministerial portfolio of foreign affairs since the ministry is deprived of its cornerstone. It will no longer concern itself with the policies of economic, scientific or other agreement between the States. For them, this means that this ministry will no longer bring anything special as an action to development. Because the country’s relations and participation in regional and international meetings do not contribute to the development of a country. “It is the very essence of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. At the time, abolish the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and transform it into a cooperation agency under the supervision of the MEF. Because, the cooperation goes beyond the economic aspect”, notes an observer. He continues his analysis, that if it is the economic aspect that interests, the press release should highlight it. What becomes of this ministry without cooperation? According to other specialists in diplomatic matters, with the new deal, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will now only deal with regional directorates and cultural exchanges between States. Others even try to see through the decision to transfer cooperation, a sanction towards the authorities of this ministry. Because in cooperation, there is the bilateral and the multilateral. And when we talk about the bilateral, it is the relations between friendly States and the multilateral, between the State and the regional, continental and international organizations to which Benin is a party. If all this should now reveal the exclusive competence of the MEF, then it is because in reality the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as retained no longer exists, maintains the analyst. The strengthening of Wadagni’s attributions appears to be a necessity for the effectiveness of the foreign and economic policy desired by the Head of State. It could also be interpreted as a complementary mark of confidence in view of the progress made by Wadagni at the head of the Ministry of Economy. He indeed appears to be the brain of the resilience of the Beninese economy, despite the effects of the covid pandemic and the war in Ukraine. The decision of President Patrice Talon, long criticized for his foreign diplomacy, could also be interpreted as an option of the Head of State to raise the slope.

Alban T.

Mahi-hwendo Roots Festival: The 2023 edition will be held on April 14 to 15, 2023 in Kétou Léger technical reshuffle of the government relating to attributions: Talon strips foreign affairs: economic diplomacy withdrawn from Agbénonci, Wadagni reinforced

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