Tamil devotion is in the internet anti-Hindi .. Tamil is the only one with this generation.! தங்கர்பச்சான் ஆதங்கம்!

by time news

This is how most Tamils ​​today pronounce their tongues. If someone speaks pure Tamil, we will see them as if they were descending from another planet.


Chennai, First Published Apr 10, 2022, 9:13 PM IST

Film director Thangar Bachchan has said that the Tamil race is becoming a race that cannot handle even fifty words from the Tamil repository of three lakh words to death.

Where is the Tamil debit?

Protests have erupted in states including Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and West Bengal over Union Home Minister Amit Shah’s suggestion that Hindi should be spoken instead of English. Various political party leaders have also condemned Amit Shah. In this situation, film director Thangarbachan has released a statement titled ‘Tamil is our life’. It said, “Tamils ​​will only drum up their Tamil attachments on websites during the Hindi dump.

Tamil is the only one with this generation.! cinema director Thangar Bachan says.!

English mixed speech

No education in Tamil, no Tamil in temples, no Tamil in courts, no Tamil in wedding invitations, no Tamil in newspapers, no Tamil in homes, no Tamil in public places, no Tamil anywhere in shops and businesses. But let us say that Tamil is our life. No one, from children to adults, understands that they speak Tamil. It is not possible to speak four Tamil words in a row. Only tention. Where to meet. Wait a minute. I got married to try. It’s up to you to disturb anything. I told my family close cousult. If you help a little I will come immediately. Come on Okay. call பண்ணு.

Tamil is the only one with this generation.! cinema director Thangar Bachan says.!

There is no guilt

This is how most Tamils ​​today pronounce their tongues. If someone speaks pure Tamil, we will see them as if they were descending from another planet. From the Tamil repository of three lakh words to the death, the Tamil race is becoming a race that cannot handle even fifty words. Not even a minute (minute) can speak other language words without mixing or writing four lines as well without error. But in any case, we are living without any guilt in the name of Tamils ​​in the state named as Tamil Nadu, which proudly quotes Sangam literature and destroys Tamil without a trace.

The language survives to a lesser extent among the uneducated poor. That too will perish with this generation. Does Tamil live! Growing up! Killed! We, the Tamils, have to think, ”Thangarbachan said.

Last Updated Apr 10, 2022, 9:13 PM IST

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