Tamil News | Is the brain’s thoughts bothering you when trying to sleep? Like this…

by time news
Avoid watching gory, gory Hollywood movies on your giant smart TV before going to sleep. Watch comedy shows if possible. Read the book.

Avoid calculating the monthly household budget, debt burden, household problems before going to sleep.

It is better to avoid gadgets like cellphones and tablets in the bedroom.

If even after half an hour of lying in bed, if your thoughts are running without sleep, it is better to let them run. Don’t try to suppress thoughts.

It is wrong to think that you count from one to a thousand in your mind to fall asleep. This can cause headaches in some people.

When going to sleep, the body is tired and the body heat is high. So it is better to wear loose clothes and sleep in a ventilated bedroom.

The sleeping mat should not be too hard or too soft. Both of these can disrupt sleep.

15 minutes before going to bed it is good to dim the bedroom lights to prepare the body for sleep. Avoid trying to sleep in a bright room.

Practicing hand mudras and pranayama to induce sleep will help you fall asleep faster.
Latest Tamil News
Sleep two hours after dinner. Spicy spiced food must be avoided at night. Eat less. Drink milk before sleeping. It helps induce sleep. Avoid caffeinated beverages that stimulate the brain, including coffee and tea.

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