Tamil News | Poster condemning Palaniswami

by time news
Salem: ADMK Interim General Secretary Palaniswami tried to besiege the house of a Panneerselvam supporter after putting up ‘posters’ in Salem.

Panneerselvam supporter, Salem Metropolitan District, ADMK. In the name of Secretary Dinesh, the posters pasted in various places of Salem city, ADMK. Interim General Secretary Palaniswami was condemned.


In the poster, ‘We condemn Palaniswami who has given ADMK continuous defeat. Get out, get out, Palaniswami, who is destroying the movement created by MGR, the movement nurtured by the revolutionary leader.

“We condemn Palaniswami for canceling the post of the party’s permanent general secretary, for disrespecting the volunteers and destroying the party today.”

This caused a shock among the ADMK supporters of Palaniswami. At a few places, they tore down the posters.

Dinesh said, “ADMK has been facing continuous defeats in the recent elections. Due to the split in the party, there is a vacuity among the volunteers.

“Only if ADMK works together. will be strong. But Palaniswami thinks that those who have separated should act on their own without involving anyone. He does not like the way of unity. This is why the poster was put up,” he said.

complaint letter

Earlier, Dinesh’s house behind the Salem Collector’s Office was used by Salem City ADMK. Party members led by secretary Venkatachalam, more than 100 people went to lay siege. As Dinesh was not at home, they broke up.

Then they filed a complaint in the police commissioner’s office.

In it, ‘In order to tarnish Palaniswami’s name, Dinesh, a supporter of Panneerselvam, has spread offensive messages all over the city through posters.

“This is an act that disturbs public peace. Therefore, legal action should be taken against him’, they said.

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