Tamil News | Residents of Theni Municipality’s 12th Ward suffer when women’s toilet is paralyzed due to electric motor failure.

by time news

Theni: Mahalakshmi, Muthuchelvi, Pandichelvi, Nandini and Iswari, residents of Kakanji Colony, 12th Ward, Allinagaram Municipality, Theni, said that women are suffering due to non-use of public toilets and people are suffering due to non-lit street lights.

They said;

The colony has 6 main streets and its cross streets. 370 families live there.

Located on the outskirts of the city, the streets are lined with electric lights.

However, since the municipal workers do not come and operate it properly, the lights are on for some days and the streets are dark for many days.

The people of this area have to walk one and a half to 2 km to the ration shop in Thauram to buy the ration items.

Therefore, no action has been taken despite several requests made by the district supply department and the petitions of the affected people to set up a separate ration shop for this area.

A new ration shop or part-time ration shop should be started in this area has been a long time demand.

The concrete on the footbridges on the streets was broken and damaged at many places. Due to this, two-wheelers get into accidents.

The damaged bridge needs to be repaired. A public toilet was built and used during the election period. Within the next few months, the public toilet was paralyzed due to the failure of the electric motor.

As a result, we are in a difficult position for women to use the open space. Women who have been paralyzed for months should take action to open the toilet.

Garbage bin should be placed on the north side. Municipalities should take steps to collect garbage frequently by sanitation workers. Drains should be cleared and mosquito control should be intensified by spraying mosquito repellents throughout the colony, he said.

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