Tamir Greenberg releases his first single and reveals his new partner

by time news

Since the singer Tamir Greenberg First appeared on the stage of “The Next Star” he did not rest for a moment. Three weeks after winning the reality show, he opened with a tour of the major halls in Israel, including the Tel Aviv Hall of Culture, Ganei Yehoshua, Amfi Shoni and more. Within hours of ticket sales for his shows starting, all tickets were sold out.

He is now releasing his first single called “Better”, which he produced and arranged together with Autumn has matured Responsible for “Toy” of Neta Barzilai. The song came out along with an invested clip and an international look directed by Roi Raz. “The purpose of the song is optimism. It’s a song that talks about all the anxieties and fears we feed ourselves all the time and why it’s important to let go. The purpose of the song is to free us from these things and not think about the future, Which is light, fun and cool and will give people some light and fun to put in the ear, “Greenberg said in a conversation with TMI.

Tamir Greenberg, Amfi Shoni (Photo: Liran Bar)

What is the pressure threshold?
“I try not to concentrate on the pressure, I try to concentrate on the next song.”

The first song has not been released yet and you are concentrating on the next song?
“This is the way. I let it live, try less to linger. Releasing the single is a very exciting and big thing for me, I waited for it a long time. It’s more excitement than stress, it’s the truth.”

You could say you started upside down. Because of the exposure in ‘Next Star’ you started filling halls, without the audience knowing your original songs. Now the real test, no?
“I think because I did some original songs on the show and I had some original songs out there, the audience had something to get caught up in performing, that it’s not just the covers. The covers also went so far sometimes that it’s like I’m doing my own song already. Employee”.

Are you afraid of the reactions? That the hype around you has gone down?
“No. I try not to mess with this side of things, like I did not deal with it on the show. It’s hard to separate these two worlds, the world you take things out of and the world you create is two different worlds so you have to put separation and that’s important.”

Tamir Greenberg picked up first place in Tamir Greenberg picked up first place in “The Next Star” (Photo: Ortal Dahan)

As a performer you enjoy the love of the audience and the applause. How do you find this balance, being indifferent to reactions?
“It’s not one hundred percent here or there. Even when I was on the show I was aware of the reactions and everything that was going on. Obviously I was not in some hippie thought like that, I wish I could stick to it completely. You’re in a marathon and if I stop every moment , So I will not get anywhere. It’s right to stop sometimes, see and connect, but most importantly focus on the work. Obviously the love of the audience is important, I end up making the music for people and not just myself. I want to think that what I love is also what they will love. others”.

Did you expect to become such a success story in Israel or did you say to yourself ‘an experience until we continue working on an international career’?
“I did not expect, that’s for sure. I did not even think for a second that something like this or similar would happen. So far it has been crazy. We have been doing shows all the time and yet this madness is not over and I am still in the market, I will tell you the truth.”

Is there stress or anxiety? From an anonymous guy you have become one of the most sought after singers in Israel.
“It’s totally hallucinatory and crazy. I think the reason it works, and I do not give myself much credit, but I came after ten years of non-stop work full of difficulties. I performed in front of eight people and in front of 8000 people. The stage of ‘Next Star’ is not the biggest stage I have performed. “I came with a past that helped me put on a show three weeks after winning. I have a large amount of songs I could choose from, I was ready.”

Was not there a moment to digest what happened?
“Sure. I was in a crazy marathon and because of the last wave of the corona that had to calm things down, I had time to digest and I still digest. I do not take for granted this crazy thing that has happened and is still happening and I hold it in both hands because I know what it is to be without the support of “The audience and the people. I lived it for ten years, with not such great success, and suddenly you get it like any artist who goes through such a thing, you understand the meaning of it.”

What about a truly international career? Is it in Hold right now?
“No. For me, there is no difference between Israel and the United States. Most of the shows are here, but I expect great things in the United States. I was there two months ago and there are contacts for things.”

You are a very introverted person. What do we not know about you?
“It’s hard for me to testify about myself. I have a funny side to me but I do not reveal it if I’m uncomfortable in front of people. I like to cook. When I lived in the United States I used to cook a lot. Once I even wanted to be a chef. That’s how they want me for all the food shows and it seems to me that in the meantime I’m fine with one reality show I did. ”

You have a new partner, Carmel Zorea, who is also your backing singer. Right?
“Right. We auditioned for ‘The Next Star’. We met twice and there was a big break because I was busy with the show. When I formed the band then I thought about it and the truth is I hardly put it in because I did not know if it fit or not and in the end I decided it was okay and from there it evolved into it.” .

Can you say you’m in love?
“You could say. We have a lot of fun, we have a lot of fun together.”

You’re up front, there are temptations. Does not bother her?
“I’m glad we met when I was still anonymous, because we went through some kind of way together. I don’t think there should be insecurity if you know who the other person is.”

Isn’t it tempting to be single now?
“No, I’m having fun. I do not think about it so much, I’m doing what’s right for me at the moment. I’m not planning it too much. I go with the heart, in everything.”

Matan Levy, Shai Hambar, Larry Hamati, Tamir Greenberg (Photo: Ortal Dahan)Matan Levy, Shai Hambar, Larry Hamati, Tamir Greenberg (Photo: Ortal Dahan)

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