The heart of Tananai belongs entirely to Sara Marino, the young architect girlfriend he has been with for many years. A love that Alberto Cotta Ramusino, the singer-songwriter’s real name, no longer hides since he has appeared on several occasions accompanied by his beloved Sara Marino. A true Milanese, Sara studied architecture at the Polytechnic University of Milan and graduated in 2019, thus starting her career as an architect. On social media, Sara describes herself as a “junior architect.” But when did the love story between the two begin? In 2020, Sara Marino and Tananai met during a dinner and the spark ignited immediately.
It was Tananai himself, a guest on Radio Deejay, who opened his heart talking about his private life: “I have a girlfriend, I met her during an evening. I chose her because she is special, she doesn’t live at my place but she has her toothbrush at home. She also has her slippers. She’s the one who kicks me in the music video; those feet are hers. I’m in love.”
Tananai and his love for girlfriend Sara Marino
As it turns out, the girl in question is indeed Sara Marino, Tananai’s young girlfriend for almost 4 years now. “I’m dating a girl named Sara. We’ve been together for 3 years; she’s an architect. I even dedicated a line to her in the song Tha Supreme with Sci@ll@” – confessed the singer-songwriter of Tango during a chat with the cameras of Le Iene. Important words for the young singer who has always been reluctant to talk about his private and romantic life; it’s worth noting that the first couple photo came a year after their love began.
Regarding his girlfriend, Tananai also revealed: “I participated in my music video Esagerata: she’s the one who kicks me.” What can we say: a beautiful love story destined to last through time!