This project is the subject of an agreement between the Ministry of Regional Planning, Urban Planning, Housing and Urban Policy, which will contribute MAD 26.5 million, the Agency National for Urban Renovation and Rehabilitation of Buildings Threatening Ruin (ANRUR), to the tune of 26.5 MDH, the Council of the Tangier-Tétouan-Al region Hoceima (36 MDH) and the Municipality of Tangier (36 MDH), under the supervision of the wilaya of the region.
This agreement, currently being approved, is part of the implementation of the Royal Guidelines aimed at promoting integrated and global development of cities, protecting, restoring and promoting the heritage of the Medinas, and resolving the problem of unsanitary housing and to strengthen intangible and cultural capital.
The agreement sets out the commitments of the contracting parties to mobilize the material resources and means necessary for the implementation of Law No. 12-94 relating to buildings threatening ruin, the organization of urban renovation operations and the response to requests for temporary rehousing in connection with these buildings.
It will be implemented by ANRUR and is part of the projects of the Regional Development Program of the Council of the region, particularly in the field of rehabilitation and development of Medinas.
The agreement, which extends over four years, also covers urban renovation operations and the rehabilitation of buildings threatening ruin in the Medina, as well as the census of families occupying the buildings concerned.
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