Taranto, Achille Lauro records the second «Quadro Sonoro» at the MarTa

by time news

NoonDecember 16, 2022 – 6:50 pm

Saturday 17 December the whimsical Roman singer will give life to the new act of the project which aims to enhance the archaeological, cultural and artistic heritage of the Ionian city

from Rosarianna Romano

TARANTO – After the Italian composer Dario Marianelli, Oscar winner in 2008 and 2013 for the soundtracks of the films Espiazione and Anna Karenina, the musician Achille Lauro will sign the second Quadro Sonoro at the MArTa in Taranto, which will be recorded on Saturday 17 December. Quadri Sonori is a project by the Ico Magna Grecia Orchestra and the Municipality of Taranto, designed to enhance the artistic, cultural and natural heritage of the Ionian city through music. The objective is pursued through a cultural operation that aims at the sensory involvement of the public with a site specific experience where sounds are the masters. The project envisages the commissioning of fifteen original pieces lasting fifteen minutes over five years. Taranto thus builds an innovative musical tourism path, an experiment in territorial marketing that will lead the city to be unique on the international scene when in 2026, on the occasion of the Mediterranean Games, the path will be completed with the activation of the fifteen executives.

With the Orchestra of Magna Grecia

The Magna Grecia Orchestra will perform each work and record it, so as to be able to have the compositions heard in the places identified to host the Sound Picture. Achille Lauro will put his encounter with one of the most important archaeological heritages of Euro-Mediterranean culture into music. In fact, the artist’s creative flair was inspired by the Venuses of Parabita, small bone statues representing female figures and kept on the second floor of the MArTa National Archaeological Museum. Dating back to about twenty thousand years ago, in the Paleolithic era, they were found in 1966 in Parabita, in the province of Lecce, in a cave discovered the previous year by Giovanni Piscopo and which would have taken the name of Veneri cave from them.

A unique project in the world

With the soundscape of Lauro, the objective is pursued of enriching the city of Taranto with a musical itinerary of site-specific author’s works. The declination of Quadri Sonori is assuming more and more varied facets, from the historical character signed by Marianelli to the evocative one of Lauro, which starts from a popular root. The singer was particularly struck by the statuettes symbolizing procreation and the creation of human life. These are the words of maestro Piero Romano who, together with thirty musicians from the ICO Orchestra of Magna Grecia, will accompany the artist on Saturday 17 December. I am a person who takes inspiration from all artistic movements – confessed Lauro -. For this reason it is very important for me to work on this unique project in the world, in a unique location in the world.

December 16, 2022 | 6.50pm

© Time.News

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