Tarfusser, sanctioned for handling the Erba massacre investigation: “System in disarray, I leave without regrets” – News

by times news cr

2024-07-24 11:15:17

ROMA. “I am happy to have stayed until the end to testify and denounce from within a system that is now in disarray and that I am now leaving without any regrets, aware of having given it my all; I consider the ‘censorship’ that was inflicted on me as a medal, the certification of my autonomy and independence, first of all towards the inside, towards the ‘sects’ that have tried in every way to destroy me. They have not succeeded”. So Cuno Tarfusserdeputy attorney general of Milan now on leave, who received the sanction of censure from the CSM for having handled the file on the reopening of the Erba massacre without respecting the office’s procedures.

Tarfusser then ran for the European elections with Actionwhich did not reach the quorum. “After the ‘Palamara scandal’, here is the ‘Natoli scandal'”, Tarfusser stated, before pointing out the circumstance of having had as rapporteur of his case, before the disciplinary section of the CSM, the CSM councilor Rosanna Natoli, a lawyer indicated by FdI, who resigned when a recording being investigated by the Rome Prosecutor’s Office revealed that she had privately met with a magistrate, Maria Fascetta Sivillo, sentenced in the first instance to three and a half years in Catania, who wanted Natoli’s help for her ongoing disciplinary proceedings.

“There is no peace for the CSMthe organ of autocracy of the judiciary, managed with military rigor by the four ‘currents’, or rather, by the four ‘sects’, which make up the judicial power”, continued Tarfusser, “While in the post-Palamara era the shameful, qualitatively downward, trade in positions continues unabated, the rottenness of the disciplinary section is also coming to light. Obviously it was suspected. Why, in fact, should the same gentlemen and ladies (so to speak) who distribute offices, perks and privileges to ‘friends’ and ‘friends of friends’, assume virginity when from distributing they move on to judging? Through the recording of a private conversation between a disciplinary judge and an accused, suspicion has now become certainty and indignation maximum”.

“For me – added Tarfusser – it is even more so considering that this Natoli was the rapporteur of my disciplinary proceedings. She was the one who should have (the conditional is a must) studied my case by reporting to the panel. I find it of unheard of gravity to have been judged and sentenced to ‘censorship‘ by a person, by a disciplinary section, which interprets the rules and judges on the basis of belonging, or not, to one of the four sects and on the help given, or not, to ‘friends’ and ‘friends of friends'”.

“And what does the politics? Instead of reducing the representatives of the judiciary from two thirds to one third” in the CSM, “the only way to finally render the four ‘sects’ harmless, it actually strengthens them by tripling the bodies of an increasingly perverse and invasive management of judicial power in the jurisdiction. It does so by creating two CSMs and a High Disciplinary Court (why High?) ​​requiring in all three a two-thirds majority of magistrates. In other words, out of the frying pan into the fire”, concluded the former chief prosecutor of Bolzano.

2024-07-24 11:15:17

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