Tariffs in housing and communal services want to be economically justified | News | News

by time news

Deputy Prime Minister Marat Khusnullin instructed the Ministry of Construction, the Ministry of Labor, the Ministry of Economic Development, the Ministry of Finance and the Federal Antimonopoly Service to work out the issue of strengthening targeted support for citizens to pay for housing and communal services. As stated in the minutes of the meeting with the official (Izvestia got a copy of the copy), the measure is related to the improvement of tariff regulation: it is planned to set tariffs based on the implementation of plans for the repair and modernization of communal infrastructure.

We are talking about bringing tariffs to economically justified – that is, their growth will be able to exceed inflation in the case of modernization of the infrastructure of the housing and communal services, explained Pavel Sklyanchuk, an expert on the thematic platform of the All-Russia People’s Front “Housing and Urban Environment”. At the same time, for socially unprotected categories of citizens, the rise in price will be compensated, he explained. A Izvestia source close to the government confirmed this information.

“In order to protect the rights of citizens, it is necessary to ensure the provision of targeted measures of social support for certain categories of citizens in connection with payment for housing and communal services by citizens, based on the approved tariffs to housing and communal services organizations,” the office of Deputy Prime Minister Marat Khusnullin told Izvestia.

Tariffs need to be brought to economically justified on the fact of the modernization carried out, says Irina Bulgakova, chairman of the expert council of the State Duma Committee on Housing Policy and Housing and Utilities. Payments for the population should be raised gradually, she said. First of all, this concerns heat, water supply and sewerage; more reasonable tariffs are applied for electricity in Russia, the expert added.

Read more in the exclusive material from Izvestia:

“Raise and forgive: they want to make tariffs in housing and communal services economically justified”

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