task force against degradation

by time news

Carrara, September 3, 2024 – Checks joined to Avenza e many per the abandonment of waste. After several reports and detections of infringements, in recent days the staff of Nausicaatogether with the police, carried out a joint inspection in the historic part of Avenza to verify regular waste disposal. The checks will continue in other areas of the territory. In Avenza, the head of the urban hygiene sector of Nausicaa, a police officer and Marshal Danilo Longobardi of the Avenza Carabinieri were present.

In the course of the inspections the residents were reiterated on how to carry out good separate waste collection, renewing the invitation to collect the kit. The risks of disposing of waste incorrectly and the sanctions provided for were also explained, up to the configuration of the environmental crime following the creation of landfills. In some cases, fines of over one hundred euros were applied.

“One of the problems that is evident to everyone is the abandonment and uncontrolled storage of waste – they explain from Nausicaa – not only bulky waste, but also undifferentiated black bags. This practice is not only uncivilized but also illegal”. There are various ways in which it is possible to violate the rules on separate waste collection: throwing waste outside the permitted hours; mixing plastic, paper, organic waste and undifferentiated waste; depositing waste outside the designated containers; rummaging through other people’s garbage or throwing waste into other people’s containers; throwing unauthorized bulky waste into garbage bins. The uncontrolled abandonment of garbage has become a criminal offense with administrative fine between 1000 and 10 thousand euros. If the abandonment concerns hazardous waste, the fine reaches 20 thousand euros. “Unsorted waste and even more abandonment – ​​the subsidiary continues – increase disposal costs and consequently the Tari. Unsorted dry waste must be placed inside grey bags with a code and provided by the company for condominium users, while individuals must use semi-transparent bags to be placed in the appropriate bins”.

Nausicaa therefore invites citizens who have not yet collected the calendar and the kit, to go to the distribution service in Viale Galilei 133 in Marina. The controls against degradation follow the roadblocks of the police forces planned by the police commissioner to restore safety to the neighborhood.

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