Tattoo artist Miss Nico no longer sticks in color

by time news

On the customer’s back there are pink blossoms – but the splendor of colors is now over for Miss Nico. The tattoo artist from Friedrichshain, who has been in the business for 28 years, is no longer allowed to use colors according to the new EU regulation, just like her more than 10,000 professional colleagues nationwide. That means one more existential concern for the industry, which has been extremely troubled since the beginning of the pandemic.

Only black and white tattoo inks have been permitted since January 4th. They should not contain any substances that are considered dangerous. “It’s like a professional ban,” says Miss Nico, who does not reveal her real name. The change has economic effects on the industry – already now. “We colleagues have had to reduce our number of hours, there is a loss of income.”

“Many reports of allergies and skin problems”

The new European legislation was adopted as part of the EU Chemicals Regulation 2020. According to this, the use of carcinogenic, mutagenic and reproductive-endangering substances and chemicals, which are already banned in cosmetics, is also prohibited in tattoo inks.

The European Commission specifies the fears: “There are many reports of allergies and skin problems due to tattoos. However, the toxic chemicals found in tattoo inks can also have other negative health effects, such as cancer. In addition, chemicals in tattoo inks can migrate from the part of the body where they are applied to the whole body, as these substances migrate to the lymph nodes. “Urban Salmal, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Federal Tattoo Association, says:” The tattoo industry sees secondary inflammation every now and then or wound infections. “

The tattooists do not want to accept the reasons given by the EU. Urban Slamal gives the example of ethyl alcohol. This main preservative is considered to be irritating to the eyes, but has long been used without side effects. For him and his 450 or so association colleagues, one thing is certain: “The EU has made it too easy for itself. There are no specific evidence-based findings at all. “

“That is a considerable financial loss”

For Miss Nico, the new location means that she has to throw away her tools, the paints. “That is a significant financial loss. We can’t afford that. Especially after the long time in which we were not allowed to work because of the Corona rules and did not earn any money. “

Figures from the Federal Institute for Risk Research (BFR) in Berlin prove that tattoos fascinate people. According to them, around 12 percent of the population in Germany have tattoos. In the case of 16 to 29 year olds, it is even 23 percent. Whether small hearts or completely covered body parts: The joy of color has increased further since tattooists have increasingly presented themselves as creative artists. Like Miss Nico, whose works are magnificent paintings. “I am particularly affected by the ban because I do 85 percent colorful, realistic tattoos. That’s what I’m known for, that’s why people come to me. “

Sabine Gudath

Once upon a time: Miss Nico with photos of her mostly colored works on human skin.

In her need, she has now chosen January to be the black and white month. On the Facebook page, the stylish photo of a flower-covered arm in black and white looks cool. And yet it also conveys bad news for you and your customers.

Miss Nico is now hoping with the entire industry that the manufacturers will offer new colors very soon. And supports a new study by the Charité and the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment. Ines Schreiver from the BFR leads it and says: “The goal is to find out how much tattoo ink gets into the body. From this, limit values ​​for tattoo inks can then be derived in further steps. “

Twice a week, tattooists and their own customers come to the Charité once, the session lasts at least two to almost five hours until the tattoo is finished. The scientists put marker substances in the tattoo inks, which are excreted from the body within 24 hours. “We take blood and urine samples from the test subjects for a total of 24 hours after the start of the sting. This shows how much of the paint is excreted and thus got into the body. ”The first results should be available in the summer.


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