Tattoo plasters: Researchers tout painless tattoos – to the annoyance of tattoo artists

by time news

No blood, no ouch
“Worst nonsense”: Researchers show painless tattoo patches – and enrage tattoo artists

Such tattoos are handiwork of the highest quality – and cannot be easily beaten by technology.

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Tattoos have to be earned. It hurts, it takes a long time and it costs a lot. A new type of patch could make at least small jobs much easier – but nothing more.

A large tattoo can easily last a whole day or even several weeks. For example, if you want to completely cover your upper arm with a piece of skin art, you should have a lot of patience – and be prepared to endure a lot of pain. The idea – or even the fantasy – of being able to speed up the process and get it over with without pain is therefore extremely attractive.

A new research project from the Georgia Institute of Technology aims to go in this direction: The research team presented a new type of patch that is studded with mini needles and can bring color under the skin – without any pain or professional guidance.

Tiny Ink Needles – Tattoo ready in minutes

“We made the needle smaller so that it’s painless but still effectively delivers tattoo ink into the skin,” said Mark Prausnitz, who led the study. “Not only could this make medical tattoos easier to access, but it could also create new opportunities for cosmetic tattoos because of how easy it is to apply.”

The principle behind the plaster is simple: the small microneedles are made of ink. When applied to the skin, the color dissolves under the skin – leaving a painless and bloodless tattoo. Some purposes, such as attaching medically necessary information or blood groups, even make sense. Simply have plasters printed, press on, done. You don’t need an artist for this, because the tattoo is ultimately a means to an end and should usually be attached to less visible places.

The research team states that although the ink is not carried into the dermis, as is usual with tattooing, the patch tattoos last at least a year. Slightly curious is the statement that they “will likely be permanent”.

But what follows is even more surprising. The team writes, “This also makes them a viable cosmetic option for people who want an aesthetic tattoo without the risk of infection or the pain associated with traditional tattoos.”

Tattooist considers use to be very limited

Confronted with this promise, Tobias Tietchen, owner of the Hamburg tattoo studio “Atelier Tietchen”, threw his hands over his head. Tietchen has been tattooing for many years, decorating people like Ed Sheeran and witnessing every day the agony of good tattoos. To the stern he explains: “In my opinion, this is the worst nonsense. With aesthetic tattoos, it starts with the placement of the motif. A difficult topic without expert advice.”

He continues: “People’s skin varies far too much for a universal patch to be used. The probability that when the tattoo heals, it heals improperly or is not transferred correctly is far too great. A craft like tattoos you can’t strip it of interpersonal factors, industrialize it, and leave it to untrained personnel.”

Tietchen gives two small purposes a certain chance: “It could be suitable for medical purposes, i.e. information on blood groups and such, or cosmetic purposes, such as covering up skin irregularities on the smallest area – but it will probably not prevail. Condemn animal testing I’m sharp, by the way.”

Christian Hensen, owner of the Hamburg tattoo studio “Immer und Ewig” agrees: “It’s terrible and awful. I don’t think it will last for life because of the lack of depth and is therefore not what tattoos stand for. It will definitely appeal , but to see tattooing continue to decline is hard to take.”

In any case, a look at the scientific work of the researchers makes it clear what Prausnitz means by “aesthetic tattoos”: Minimal pixel images composed of squares. The dream of getting unique tattoos under the skin without pain, blood and usually a lot of money remains one.

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