tattooed green in one eye and purple in the other; The young woman’s eyesight is impaired; Got the work of eight

by time news

Dublin: The woman says that she is losing her eyesight after getting a tattoo on her eye. A young woman from Ireland got a different color tattoo on her eye to look like Australian model Amber Luke.

Anaya Peterson, a 32-year-old mother of five, ignored the warnings and set out to get the tattoo. Although many people told her not to get a tattoo inside her eye, many pointed out the possibility of going blind, but Anaya got her wish by pretending not to see it all. Inspirational Australian model Amber Luke also had a tattoo inside her eye that affected her vision. In 2019, Luke, who was a famous model, got a different color tattoo on both eyes. Even knowing what happened to the model, Anaya Peterson continued with her goal.

Then in July 2020, Anaya tattooed both her eyes. Green color was used for one eye and purple color for the other eye. After this, the young woman started experiencing unbearable headaches and constant dry eyes. But after a few months the eye began to swell and swell. With this, Anaya reached the hospital and sought treatment. The tests revealed that the young woman’s eyesight was deteriorating.

Doctors were also unable to prescribe remedies to prevent total blindness. Anaya’s response was that he was very sorry for ignoring the warnings and getting the tattoo. The young woman responded that she was accepting the reality that one day in the future she would lose her eye sight completely and it was a big mistake.

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