Taurianova, XXVI edition of the Calabria America Award

by time news

The Calabria-America Award, now in its 26th Edition, was held in Taurianova, in the beautiful location of Piazza Macrì, established by the Bruzio Art and Culture Center, chaired by Maestro Mimmo Morogallo, creator and promoter of the Award.

The event was masterfully presented by journalist Piero Muscari.

After the performance of the Mameli Anthem, Maestro Morogallo underlined that the prize (chaired by Carmelo Carabetta) has as its primary aim to contribute to strengthening the ties between the Calabrese people “scattered” around the world and their land of origin.

The award has a significant purpose, which is intended to be achieved by exalting the intelligence, industriousness and high moral qualities of our fellow countrymen who, outside their native land, have succeeded, often in difficult socio-environmental contexts, in asserting themselves to the point of reaching the highest peaks of success.

Furthermore, the Award offers the opportunity to analyze and debate the problem of the socio-economic development of Calabria in relation to the contribution of Calabrians living in other regions of the world, thanks also to the contribution of Journalists, University Professors and other scholars in the sector.

Immediately after, the mayor of Taurianova Roy Biasi, underlined that in the past the Award had already taken place in Taurianova and has a great value as it represents a symbol of unity, thanks to which Calabria has managed to keep alive a bond with its emigrants, recognizing and celebrating their contribution both in the local and international context.

The mayor then concluded his speech by stating that “The Award is an important cultural event that fits perfectly into the context of Taurianova Capital of the Book”.

Following this, the Councilor for Culture Maria Fedele stated: “In the context of Taurianova Capitale del Libro we are proud to be able to host this Award that for almost thirty years has celebrated the many Calabrians who with honesty, loyalty and commitment have worked hard to emerge in the most varied sectors, demonstrating their extraordinary abilities not only in Italy but also abroad. Thanks to their dedication they have managed to contribute concretely to the development of the societies in which they live, without forgetting their roots and promoting the best image of Calabria throughout the world”.

The following were awarded the Prize: Entrepreneur Nuccio Caffo; President of the F. Cilea Conservatory of Reggio Calabria, as well as Orchestra Director Cettina Nicolosi; Matteo Muià, Marketing Specialist (prize collected by his father); Santo Strati, Journalist and Essayist – Director of the Calabria Live Daily Newspaper; Maurizio Insardà Sports Journalist and Dr. Luigi Bonavina Head of the University General Surgery Unit and the Esophagus Center at the IRCCS Policlinico San Donato Mi (prize collected by his wife).

Special Award to Journalist-Poet and Writer Caterina Sorbara, to Councilor for Culture Maria Fedele, to Vincenzo Furfaro, for his commitment in the cultural field and to journalist Agostino Pantano.

Maestro Morogallo delivered to Mayor Roy Biasi, one of his works depicting the poet Francesco Sofia Alessio which will be placed in the Library.

Significant was the intervention of the journalist Pietro Melia, President of the jury.

The musical interludes were curated by maestro Andrea Francesco Calabrese (on piano), soprano Christy Alviano and tenor Stefano Gagliardi “Artistic Director”.

Taurianova, XXVI edition of the Calabria America Award

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