Tax collection will grow to 4.9 billion pesos in 2024 – .

by time news

The tax collection in Mexico will grow in 2024 to 4.9 trillion pesos, from 3.1 billions in 2023, which will represent a nominal increase of 61.4 percent, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador assured in his sixth and final government report.

From the Zócalo square in the capital, he explained that the improvement in tax collection was possible, in part, because the pardons to the country’s large business groups; this measure raised an additional 413 billion pesos.

On the other hand, he explained that the Federal Expenditure Budget grew during his six-year term from 5.1 billion pesos in 2018 to 9.1 billion this year, which will mean a nominal increase of 71.7 percent.

He highlighted that in 2018 the Mexican economy was ranked fifteenth in the world in terms of size and is currently ranked twelfth.

He added that currently Mexico It is one of the economies most attractive in the world for foreign investment.

He explained that thanks to his government’s policies of not allowing corruption, savings of 2 billion pesos were achieved. “Just by fighting huachicol, 342 billion pesos were saved,” he emphasized.

Since we came to power, not a single vehicle has been purchased for public officials.

“Million-dollar pensions for former presidents are gone, and there are no more retirement savings accounts for government officials,” he stressed.

He said they had fulfilled their commitment not to increase the prices of gasoline, diesel, gas and electricity in real terms.

173 were eliminated trusts without any use, resulting in savings of 136 billion pesos with this decision.

He highlighted that international reserves are currently at 224,709 million dollars, a historic record and 29 percent above those in 2018.

On the other hand, the president acknowledged that the country’s debt will grow by nearly 6 trillion.

What’s next for the outgoing president? These are AMLO’s plans

Once López Obrador hands over the Presidential Sash to Ifigenia Martínez so that she can pass it on to Claudia Sheinbaum, He will retire from politicsaccording to what he has mentioned in several of his conferences.

In addition to stepping away from public life, López Obrador indicated that he will close his verified social media profiles. “I’m out! I’ve already said it and I repeat it, I hand over the Presidential Sash and retire“, AMLO declared in one of his morning conferences.

AMLO’s plans once his six-year term ends range from spend most of his time writing historical research“I plan to publish my first book in three years after I finish. And it won’t be about contemporary things. I’m going to write a book that I want to write about conservative thought, since the Conquest,” the president explained.

In addition, López Obrador’s daily routine will focus on getting up early, going for a walk, writing for two hours, taking a break and then going back to work, so he said he will have time to “admire the plants, the trees, the birds, doing my exercises to stay in shape.”

2024-09-01 18:52:10

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