Tax credit, car bonus, training… What to remember from Emmanuel Macron’s announcements on the industry

by time news

2023-05-11 17:52:58

The President of the Republic, who spoke following a round table at the Elysée Palace this Thursday afternoon, regretted a deindustrialization that “we sometimes let it happen”.

Speed ​​up, speed up, speed up: the watchword is clear. During a meeting at the Élysée, this Thursday, Emmanuel Macron repeated it, before unveiling new measures aimed at giving a boost to the reindustrialization of France, “mother of battles” to his eyes. In front of industrial players, business leaders, elected officials, representatives of associations and several ministers, including Bruno Le Maire, Agnès Pannier-Runacher or Roland Lescure, the President of the Republic defended his record in this area, and hammered home his desire to go further.

The stakes are high: if the tenant of the Élysée was delighted with the tricolor successes, and in particular the increased attractiveness of France vis-à-vis foreign investors, nothing is won for all that. In its annual report, published a few days before the Choose France event, scheduled for Monday at the Palace of Versailles, the EY firm thus noted warning signs, which worry decision-makers wishing to settle in France. Emmanuel Macron knows it: efforts remain to be made. So we had to speed up. Here is what to remember from the speech of the President of the Republic:

Deindustrialization, the result of a «almost ideological choice»

The President of the Republic initially regretted a deindustrialization that we “sometimes let it go“, due, according to him, to a “almost ideological choice“. The result of these forty years during which “France has deindustrialized more than other countries in Europe» a «created dependenciesexpensive, especially during the health crisis. Emmanuel Macron also pointed to the massive industrial development of the United States and China. “We are not destined to become the consumers of American industry“, he declared, adding that “it is an issue of sovereignty.

700 million euros to improve training for “future jobs”

The reindustrialization that the President of the Republic wishes to accelerate will require the creation of many industrial jobs. For these positions to be filled, Emmanuel Macron announced that “700 million euros will be committed in the coming days and in the year to come to develop the training map at all diploma levels».

Creation of a tax credit «green industry»

Imitating the example of simple aid to obtain from the American Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), Emmanuel Macron announced the creation of a green industry tax credit. A mechanism “very simple, visible to manufacturers and immediate“, which should make it possible to trigger “20 billion (euros) of investments by 2030“On the national territory, according to Bercy. This tax credit may benefit technologies “identified in European texts», such as batteries, heat pumps, wind turbines or solar panels. It will have to make it possible to fight against competition from other nations exporting these goods.

Accelerate the time required to obtain permits, halved

Faced with the competitiveness of the Americans and the Chinese, who willmuch faster“that the French to validate industrial projects, Emmanuel Macron wishes to accelerate, by “halving the time it takes to obtain permits“. Today established between 17 and 18 months, according to the Head of State, these must increase to 9 months “between the time when we top […] and start of work“. This change must be made inparalleling all the proceduresrather than doing them one after the other, he explained.

A change in the criteria for awarding the car bonus

As Le Figaro announced it a few days ago, Emmanuel Macron wishes to review the criteria for allocating the automobile bonus – the ecological bonus, used to buy a clean vehicle -, “to better take into account the carbon footprint of vehicle production“. A way, above all, to support the “batteries, vehicles produced in Europeand to prevent this aid from benefiting Asian or American manufacturers. “We are not going to use French taxpayers’ money to accelerate non-European industrialization», justified Emmanuel Macron, defending a solution of «common sense“. This change will be effectiveby the end of the year».

Towards a “European regulatory pause” on environmental constraints

After recalling the high level of environmental requirements imposed on manufacturers in Europe, Emmanuel Macron called for a “European regulatory break». «We don’t need to make new rule changes, we need stability“, he pleaded.

The state will prioritize «responsible public procurement»

The deadline for the implementation of environmental criteria in public procurement has been brought forward by two years, announced Emmanuel Macron. State services will have to avoid environmental requirements for their purchases “from July 2024». «We will stop funding non-Europeans with public money“, welcomed the President of the Republic.

One billion euros for «release available industrial land»

This is a paradox often pointed out by industry players. The government encourages the establishment of new industrial sites in France, but it also leads a policy of land sobriety through its objective of zero net artificialisation. The President of the Republic recalled that he was betting big on the recycling of former industrial wastelands to clear available land. He announced an investment of one billion euros through the Banque des Territoires for “provide (industrialists wishing to set up in the territories) ready-to-use sites».

#Tax #credit #car #bonus #training.. #remember #Emmanuel #Macrons #announcements #industry

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