Tax credit Video game industry in Italy, 11 million euros in 2022

by time news

In an official note from IIDEA, the trade association representing the video game industry in Italy, expresses its satisfaction with the publication of the new decree for the distribution of the cinema and audiovisual fund, signed by Minister Franceschini, with whom they come allocated 11 million euros to cover the Videogames Tax Credit in 2022. “After the first session started last December and closed at the end of January, with a coverage of 5 million, today there is an important decision by the Government which, by accepting the requests made by IIDEA, has more than doubled the financial endowment. of the Tax Credit Videogames. The new funds are potentially able to unlock up to 44 million euros of investmentsby virtue of the tax credit recognized on 25 percent of eligible production costs “, reads the note.” However, this important step forward must not divert the attention of the sector and the Government on gap, still largely to be filled, with other European countries, which for many years have invested more resources, with fewer constraints. In particular, IIDEA has already made a proposal to the Ministry to raise the ceiling per company, currently equal to one million euros, to allow our country to become more attractive to European investors “. The Association said it intends to continue to work side by side with the competent institutions and offices to promote the success of the Tax Credit, and has already made a special section available to operators in the sector on its website, containing all the most up-to-date information and useful materials on the measure. Bound

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