Tax evasion: a “transversal mission” entrusted to MP LFI Charlotre Leduc

by time news

Substantive work on tax evasion. A “transversal mission” on tax evasion has been entrusted to MP LFI Charlotte Leduc. The rebellious elected representative of Moselle was appointed “rapporteur on tax evasion this morning in the committee” of Finance, indicated a parliamentary source.

This type of function makes it possible to have additional means of investigation to control the action of the government and the monitoring of the execution of the budget. Special rapporteurs, appointed for one year, are usually renewed from one year to the next. They sign a report during the examination of the finance bill, the budget marathon of the fall.

“A report every year”

On Tuesday, the LFI chairman of the Finance Committee Éric Coquerel told the press that he “succeeded in obtaining a cross-cutting mission on tax evasion. “For five years, we will have a commissioner (Charlotte Leduc) who will work on tax evasion with the means of the administration. I think it will be interesting because it will make it possible to do substantive and follow-up work. There will be a report every year.

“And I reserve the possibility of carrying out fact-finding missions (…) to further ask the question of what tax evasion costs and what tax cuts cost in terms of return for the State”, he added.

Archaeozoologist by profession, Charlotte Leduc had a long career as an associative activist, particularly in the alter-globalist movement Attac, before her election in the 3rd constituency of Moselle with 51.46% of the votes against an RN candidate, Françoise Grolet.

According to official figures from March, 13.4 billion euros in adjustments were notified to individuals and businesses in 2021 as part of the fight against tax evasion.

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