Extension of the deadline for submission of tax returns until August 2 for the natural ones and until August 9 for legal entities the finance ministry decided, as it was impossible to meet the original July 26 deadline.

Debtors and tax professionals were on the verge of a nervous breakdown in the last 24 hours, as information had leaked of a few days’ extension, but there was no official announcement.

The announcement of the ministry

With its announcement, the Ministry of National Economy and Finance announced the extension of the deadline for submitting tax returns for individuals and legal entities.

In detail, the announcement:

“After consultation with the Administration of AADE regarding the course of submission of income tax returns, the Ministry of National Economy and Finance announces the following:

From the start of the submission process on April 25, 2024 until now, 6,068,600 have been submitted statements of natural persons. Accordingly, since May 1, when the process of submitting the declarations of legal entities began, up to now 252,542 tax declarations have been submitted.

This number of declarations corresponds to 93.3% of all tax declarations of natural persons and 81.8% of all tax declarations of legal entities.

Taking into account, on the one hand, the fact that the vast majority of declarations have already been submitted, but also that, on the other hand, some technical problems have occurred in the last days in the declaration submission system due to the mass submission of declarations from the accounting applications, the transfer of deadline for submitting income tax returns as follows:

  • August 2 for the declarations of natural persons,
  • August 9 for the declarations of legal entities. The deadline shift is relatively longer for the additional reason that the submission rate is not as high as in physicals.

Accordingly, the deadline for payment of the first installment of the tax is postponed to 2/8 for natural persons and to 9/8 for legal persons. However, the possibility of a one-time tax payment with a 3% discount for natural persons remains until July 31.

Based on the rate of submission of returns to date, the additional time given is sufficient in order to seamlessly submit both the remaining returns and fulfill the remaining tax obligations.”

The data

As of Wednesday morning, 5,765,905 personal income tax returns and 221,337 corporate income tax returns had been submitted, while the total expected returns are 6,750,000 for natural persons and approximately 335,000 for legal entities.

It was estimated that on Thursday morning these numbers would have reached the levels of 5,920,000 and 235,000 declarations, respectively. Until Friday, the estimate was for the submission of approximately 6,200,000 declarations of natural persons and 265,000 declarations of legal entities.

Problems in the system

On Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning – as apparently too many people were trying to get into the system – there were problems with several taxisnet users seeing the message “We apologize. We cannot display the page you requested.”

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