Taxable households, IFI, fraud, VAT… French tax in 10 figures

by time news

2023-06-22 15:48:14

Like every summer, the tax administration takes stock of its action over the past year. Its 2022 activity report, published on Thursday June 22, gives the opportunity for a quantified dive into the taxes paid by the French.

► More than 40 million tax households.

The bar is crossed. In 2022 and for the first time, France has more than 40 million tax households: 40,257,184 to be exact. This is 360,000 more than the previous year and almost a million more than in 2020.

► 56% of non-taxable households

For many years, the proportion of households subject to income tax has fallen below 50%. In 2022, more than 55% of households were thus non-taxable, a stable proportion compared to 2021.

If they are not liable for income tax, these households obviously pay other taxes, such as CSG or VAT.

► 273 billion VAT

VAT remains the main revenue for public coffers. In 2022, it brought in nearly 273 billion euros (272.8). This is 30 billion more than in 2021 and 60 billion more than in 2020.

However, the State is no longer the only beneficiary of this manna, of which a growing part, more than 40 billion euros, has been redistributed to local authorities in 2022 and more than 60 billion to other organizations, in particular social Security.

► 163,901 households paid the IFI

The continuous rise in real estate prices in recent years has contributed to increasing the number of households exceeding the bar of 1.3 million euros of assets subject to real estate wealth tax (IFI).

In 2022, 163,901 households were subject to the IFI. This is 10,000 more households than the previous year and 20,000 more than in 2021. Logically, revenues also increase, from 2 billion in 2020 to more than 2.3 billion in 2022. Now remains to be seen how those numbers will change over the next year as the real estate market begins to take a nosedive.

► More than 11 million council tax notices

The gradual disappearance of the housing tax, first for the 80% of the most modest households and then for all the others, is reflected in the figures.

As of 2020, the state had issued more than 27 million council tax notices. The number has collapsed to less than 12 million (11,905,296) in 2022. A movement that will continue since this year all main residences are exempt from paying the tax.

► More than 3 million taxable companies

In 2022, the number of companies subject to corporation tax crossed the 3 million threshold for the first time to reach 3,056,368. This is 200,000 more than the previous year.

Corporate tax brought in nearly 87 billion euros to the State in 2022. This is a dozen billion more than in 2021 and 20 billion more than in 2020, years when the economy had been slowed down by the Covid.

► 262 million visits to the website

The tax administration has resolutely taken the digital turn, to the point that it is now compulsory to file your tax return online (except for those who do not have an Internet connection).

In 2022, nearly 40 million French people had thus created their personal space on the tax website. And it has accumulated no less than 262 million visits during the year.

► 0 € TV license fee

For 2022, revenue from the contribution to public broadcasting (better known as the “royalty”) is equal to zero. The government has indeed decided to abolish, since last year, this levy which brought in around 3.7 billion euros per year. The financing of public radio and television is now done by drawing on VAT receipts.

► More than 11 million reminders

The French, without always being administrative phobics, often seem to have difficulty paying their tax bills on time. The administration thus sent more than 9.1 million reminder letters in 2022 to individuals. On the business side, the tax authorities have issued nearly 2 million reminder or formal notice letters.

► 10 billion euros from tax audits.

In 2022, the administration collected 10.6 billion euros following tax audits. At the same time, it notified taxpayers of more than 14.6 billion euros of new adjustments (nearly 12 billion euros of evaded taxes accompanied by 2.6 penalties and interest on late payment).

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