Taxation of superprofits: the socialist Olivier Faure wants a referendum of shared initiative

by time news

The possible taxation of superprofits continues to agitate the political class. The First Secretary of the Socialist Party (PS), Olivier Faure, announces this Friday that he will propose to his partners of the Nupes (New popular ecological and social union) the organization of a referendum of shared initiative on the subject. Majority and right LR rejected this summer the amendments proposed by Nupes on the subject during the discussion of the purchasing power package in the Assembly and the Senate.

“We must force the President of the Republic to go towards this taxation of superprofits and I hope that there will be a referendum of shared initiative”, explained on RTL the deputy of Seine-et-Marne. According to him, “today there is a need to go very quickly, very far and to ensure that it is first of all those who can who pay for this energy revolution, this climate revolution”. “What I will propose to all the parties of the New Popular Ecological and Social Union is to propose at the start of the school year a referendum of shared initiative which will make it possible to go and solicit the French women and men to force the government to have a debate on this issue,” he said.

“Shareholders are better paid while employees are asked to tighten their belts”

Since 2008, article 11 of the constitution allows the referendum of shared initiative (RIP), on the initiative of parliamentarians (at least 1/5) supported by at least 1/10th of the electorate (4.7 million people). The procedure has already been initiated to oppose the privatization of Paris airports, but did not succeed for lack of sufficient signatures.

Olivier Faure denounced the “real scandal” of “174 billion in profits for the CAC 40 in 2020-2021, an absolute record” and the “dividend distribution record”, which means that “shareholders are better remunerated during that employees are asked to tighten their belts”. “It’s not just the left that would be sent back to a form of radicalism that says it, it’s all the European countries that come there today, it’s the boss of the UN (Editor’s note: the United Nations Organization) which invites all the countries of the world to tax the companies which profit from the crisis ”, argued the boss of the PS.

The MoDem deputies, who belong to the majority, pleaded in early August for a “reflection” in the fall on the taxation of the “superprofits” of companies like TotalEnergies, “a question that torments our fellow citizens”.

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