Taxes: you may receive a refund this Thursday

by time news

It’s the little summer surprise that puts butter in spinach. Or rather mustard on the merguez. The General Directorate of Public Finance (DGFiP) will proceed this Thursday July 21 or Tuesday August 2 to the reimbursement of millions of taxpayers to whom the tax authorities owe money in relation to their taxation on income for 2021.

The tax households concerned are in two cases. First of all, there are those who made expenses in 2021 giving rise to tax reductions and credits: the employment of a home-based employee, donations, childcare, rental investments… If these costs are recurrent from one year to the next, the DGFiP will pay you the balance of these benefits taking into account the 60% advance paid in January. If you made these expenses for the first time in 2021, all the tax reductions and credits to which you are entitled will be paid to you on this occasion.

Declare any change of situation as soon as possible

The other situation that gives rise to a refund is that of a withholding tax that is too high throughout the year in relation to the final amount of tax. “This may be the case if, for example, your income has dropped and you have not reported it to the tax authorities or if you have been late in declaring the birth of a child which entitles you to half -additional share”, specifies the DGFiP. The amount reimbursed will then correspond to the “overpayment” of tax deducted at source in 2021.

To limit these refunds as much as possible, the tax authorities also launched an information campaign in mid-June called “Tell us too” to encourage taxpayers to declare marriage, birth, retirement or promotion in order to adapt the withholding tax as quickly as possible. And thus make it correspond as closely as possible to the final tax amount.

Those who have not paid enough will be deducted from September

Because these summer refunds of overpaid taxes concern many French people: 12.7 million taxpayers (33.5%) for a total of 10.4 billion euros (i.e. nearly 820 euros on average) based on last year’s figures. The results of the 2022 income tax campaign will not be known until the end of July. The persons concerned do not have to take any action. They will be refunded automatically. Either by bank transfer with the wording “Remb Impôt Revenu” which will appear on your statement. Either by check sent to your address if the tax authorities are not aware of your bank details.

But other taxpayers are less fortunate and will have to open their wallets. This is the case if their withholding tax was insufficient since the beginning of the year because they had not updated it despite a significant increase in your income. Or if the tax credit advance paid in January (and calculated according to your situation in 2020) was too high in relation to the expenditure actually incurred in 2021.

Those who have not paid enough debited from September will then be debited in one go on September 26th. Otherwise, the sum will be spread over four scheduled installments at the end of September, October, November and December.

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